
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," January 3, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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"Back of the Book" segment tonight, "Pinheads of the Year." Here, once again, Gutfeld and McGuirk. All right, who have you chosen, McGuirk.

MCGUIRK: I've chosen my good friend, Kanye Hoe West. And I say that with all due respect because I actually like the guy. I feel sorry for him.

Don't judge me. I like a lot of his music. But, aside from all these delusions of grandeur, --


-- comparing himself to Jesus, he acts like an angry, thin-skinned spoiled punk. And he doesn't have to. He shouldn't. He's got gold grills, $3,000-Maybach -- $300,000-Mayback cars, I mean, by the dozens, and also this latest --


-- episode with Kim Kardashian, this nasty episode with sex tapes, athletes --


I mean, just nasty, nasty history. And he's jumping up and down on the couch like Tom Cruise over this girl. You would need a hazmat suit to get in the sack with this chick.

O'REILLY: All right. So, he's your "Pinhead of the Year." But do you realize that --


-- no one really cares about Mr. West. I mean, unless you're in the hip-hop community and this is what you -- no one really cares about this guy.

MCGUIRK: But I think even your audience know that.

O'REILLY: They know who he is --

MCGUIRK: They know that you've been in an elevator.

O'REILLY: -- primarily because of the Taylor Swift thing, you know, when he went in and embarrassed that young woman.

GUTFELD: Your audience thinks Kanye West is an airline.

O'REILLY: You think so.



O'REILLY: OK. And your "Pinhead of the Year," Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Jim Carrey. He put out a video for Funny or Die, in which he actually dies in it, a spoof video going out to the NRA --


-- and Second Amendment, which is fine. You could be -- you know, hate guns all you want. But his video mocked the late Charlton Heston and said some extremely tasteless and cruel things about Charlton Heston, about his personal life, which is disgusting and cowardly when the person is dead and can't fight back.

The justice world, as the irony in this is, now, Jim Carrey's career is as dead as Charlton Heston. Charlton Heston's career -- his movies are actually being watched by more people. Now, Jim Carrey --

O'REILLY: I think Carrey hurt himself big time.


O'REILLY: Now, he apologized. And, apparently, you did not accept that apology.

GUTFELD: His apology was driven by his agent. Let's face it, he saw the writing on the wall and it was, "You're over." So, he had to apologize.

O'REILLY: You agree he's a pinhead, Carrey?

MCGUIRK: Oh, for that, yes. But he was great in Dumb and Dumber.


I love that movie.

GUTFELD: And he's doing a sequel.


O'REILLY: Is he in the sequel.

GUTFELD: I didn't read that part.


MCGUIRK: The best rubber face in the --

O'REILLY: All right, once again, now, here's my "Pinheads of the Year." And I'm going to say that I'm the serious voice of reason here. My "Pinheads," -- and it's an "s" -- "of the Year" are the voters in Washington State in Colorado who pulled the lever to legalize pot. And this is why you guys are pinheads.


Legalization of marijuana will lead to more children sampling the drug, becoming intoxicated. The stats are that 20 percent --


-- of American children who try marijuana become addicted to it. And even those who don't become addicted to pot, if they use it on a regular basis, their IQ drops, and all their cognitive functions drop.

Add to that -- and we're already seeing this in Washington State -- the drunk-driving, drug-driving situation where you put more people under the influence on the road -- now, you can make your rationalizations that they get the pot anyway, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah -- but you're sending a message to the children of Washington State in Colorado, "It's OK. This is now legal. It's fine for you to do it."

And it isn't. It's wrong. It hurts children. And those voters are pinheads. You say, McGuirk.

MCGUIRK: I agree 100 percent. My only reservation about legalizing pot is the fact that, yes, it will increase the amount of kids who do it.

But that's also a tough argument to swallow because the same thing can be said about alcohol. I mean, then ban alcohol because kids --

O'REILLY: You don't point to bad behavior to justify more bad

behavior. You already have a problem with alcohol. It's already here.Why do you want to "exacerbate" it, "Word of the Day." Go.

GUTFELD: Do you know what leads more teenagers and children to try marijuana? Bill O'Reilly coming out against it. You could actually get people to stop smoking dope if you said you smoke dope.


Think about it.

O'REILLY: Yes, I will, for about 10 seconds.

GUTFELD: No, that's genius. Everybody would -- every pothead would


O'REILLY: Maybe you haven't noticed, Gutfeld, but I'm like the lone voice in the wilderness here.


Because all the other media pinheads have taken to the -- first of all, they all smoke pot, except me.

GUTFELD: Or they can't --

O'REILLY: You, you're like -- he carries a bong around in the hallway. I mean, -- you know what he says it is.

GUTFELD: It's a medical device.

O'REILLY: "It's genie, an Aladdin thing."


That's what Gutfeld, "Oh, this is Aladdin. I got this in Iraq. It's a souvenir." And no one is buying this, OK, --


O'REILLY: -- "Cheech Marin signed it."

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