
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 21, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: It seems to be two types in the world, those who keep their desk neat and those that don't. Everyone knows I keep mine neat.

A new -- a new study shows whether the desk is messy or tidy may influence how you think. The University of Minnesota survey says clean desks promotes behaviors like generosity and healthy eating. Whereas working in a sloppy desk promotes out of the box thinking and openness to new ideas.

So, what do "The Five" desks look like?

Brian, how about you? What does your look like?

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, unfortunately it is never neat. Kimberly knows this. She's asked to move her location. She's right next to me. That is my desk, and that is after I cleaned it.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: That is after a strenuous --

KILMEADE: I have a hard time putting stuff away. Never want to throw stuff out, always feel as though I need it.

BECKEL: Do you keep the basketball that you hit the kid with?

KILMEADE: Yes, I did. Thank you very much.

BECKEL: All right. Dana, you're next. Look at Dana's desk. This is going to be really interesting everybody. Take a look at this. It's really going to get you excited.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I hate clutter.

BECKEL: Let's look at Dana's desk.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh!

BECKEL: Everything lined up just right.

PERINO: I put those two things on there, because there was nothing there.

GUILFOYLE: Your desk is so shiny.

KILMEADE: In the White House, you had no room, right? You had to be neat.

PERINO: No, I had the whole big --

BECKEL: A huge room.

Kim, how about you?

GUILFOYLE: Well, you know, I need a bigger office.

BECKEL: Yes, for all your makeup and your shoes.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, the shoes and clothes and chocolate.

KILMEADE: But it's organized, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: That's where it happens, let me tell you something, in that office.

PERINO: You do a little cleanup there.

GUILFOYLE: Do you love it?

BECKEL: That was nice, yes.

KILMEADE: I notice you're missing some energy drinks.

BECKEL: OK, the next person up is you, which would be me. OK. Here is my desk. You can probably tell. There it is.

If you'll notice there, there are cupcakes, these letters from fans, I'm sorry, folks, they're like a year and a half old. And let me see what else. Pretty disgusting actually.

The stuff growing there --

GUILFOYLE: Like the odd couple, you and Bob sharing an office. Like Felix and Oscar.


BECKEL: Shoot her. OK. I can't, because I'm against guns.

OK. How about you, big boy?


KILMEADE: My goodness. Is that really your office?

BOLLING: That's really my office. It's always like that. But there's a reason it's always like that. I have -- my office has a glass wall. The door is glass, the wall is glass. So, everyone can just walk by and look in.

BECKEL: You know what that indicates? The depth of your willingness to listen to other people's thoughts.

BOLLING: Do you sleep in your office?

BECKEL: I don't sleep.


BECKEL: I was a drug addict a lot of years, I don't sleep.

PERINO: So, you don't sleep now?

BECKEL: I sleep now, about three hours a night, four hours a night.

Poker games. What are you talking about?

GUILFOYLE: No, I'm covering my ears.

BECKEL: OK, fine. Oh, because you're worried what I am going to say? Don't worry about it. I'm not going to say it.

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