
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 15, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, what's new with you? I know. George Zimmerman, not guilty.

Now, I'll never know what happened that night, neither will you. For all I know, Zimmerman is shadier than an elm tree. There was fight, but I wasn't there. And neither was Jamie Foxx.

As for the jury, they heard the case. Al Sharpton didn't. And, really, what do I know? Let me repeat, what do I know?

Those are four words you never hear from the media or celebrities who wear their rage on their T-shirts. Take this obnoxious tweet. "White people used to make black people drink from separate fountain fountains. Now, we just shoot their children."

Someone should tell this gas bag Zimmerman was Hispanic. But I forgive her because the media repeatedly called him white. And she is stupid.

Why did NBC edit Zimmerman's 911 call so he appeared racist? Well, for the same reason The Nation magazine blames the verdict on white supremacy.

For perverts of polarization to win, you need white versus black. So, they get it wrong on purpose. Their racial provocation is meant to unravel a country for rifts bring revolution. The angry celebrities, some are sincere. But when Miley Cyrus tweets, "No justice, no peace," you got to throw up through your ears.

Only one star to me made any sense. It was rapper Lupe Fiasco. After tweeting that black blood spills on the streets of America nightly at the hands of other blacks, he added, "Nobody knows what really happened except Trayvon and Zimmerman. The justice system relies on reasonable doubt not our emotions. Your emotional reactions to perceived injustice will get you nowhere."

Well, he's no Eric Holder and good for him.

So, let's go around the horn, as they say. Kimberly --

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Didn't you ban that?

GUTFELD: Around the horn?



GUTFELD: Not today. I'm pulling it out of the banned box.

GUILFOYLE: I thought there would be a reaction to the verdict that was not guilty. I'm actually surprised at the extent of inflammatory rhetoric, the race-baiting and provocation, and just the irresponsible behavior from people in the media and from celebrities and just in general the ignorance of the general public.

Because when you hear the people talk about the case, they haven't even followed it. They don't know what happened. And they think Zimmerman was on top of Trayvon Martin. And when you point out to them, try to be helpful in an educational way, the actual facts that came forward during the trial, in the testimony, that's in the transcript, from the prosecution witnesses, like oh, I didn't know that happened that way. OK.

GUTFELD: Bob, I bet you were thrilled.

BECKEL: Let me just join those race-baiting perverts who think that this was -- most unbelievable verdict.

First of all, let's start with Florida. I know this is going to get Dana mad because she gets mad when I get like this. That backward state -- when they allow a -- something called "Stand Your Ground" law --

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Nothing do with w this case.

BECKEL: I'm not going to break into your conversation. I have something to say here, right?


BECKEL: "Stand Your Ground" law that allows a murderer and yes, I said murder, to kill black kid. Look, I hope there are no riots and I hope Al Sharpton has enough sense to come out and say stop. But the fact of the matter is, I think the Justice Department should pursue a civil rights case against this guy. And the -- Martin family should get a huge civil verdict against this punk. And --

GUILFOYLE: On what grounds?

BECKEL: The grounds that he murdered a kid.

BOLLING: You just went -- you went through standing your ground and defense decided that's not what they were going to defend George Zimmerman on. They went with self defense and, in fact, he won on self-defense.

Who are you mad at? Are you mad at the judge?

BECKEL: I'm mad --

BOLLING: Hold on. Figure out who you are mad at. Are you mad at the judge?

BECKEL: No, I'm not at the judge.

BOLLING: Are you mad at the jury?


BOLLING: Are you mad at the law?


BOLLING: Are you mad at the outcome?


BOLLING: You are just mad in general.

BECKEL: No, I'm not mad. I'm not mad.

GUILFOYLE: And the whole state of Florida.

BOLLING: And the state of Florida. You have your misguided anger at the "Stand Your Ground" law. That wasn't -- that didn't apply here.

Can I tell you something? The reason why there's no rioting -- reason why windows are not being broken, Times Square is not shut down, because America saw that there was no evidence in the case.

I contend -- I honestly believe this, I think the prosecutors brought this case so that America could see there was no evidence and when the jury did -- made the right decision and acquitted George Zimmerman, there wouldn't be rioting in the streets. There's no reason to riot.

It's not Rodney King where you see the video over and over again. You go how could this guy (ph) be innocent?

GUILFOYLE: But, Eric --

BOLLING: This is a different case. There's none of that.

GUILFOYLE: But you are saying they brought it to help, you know, appease the political masses, the political correctness, people that are looking for somebody's head on the plate.


GUILFOYLE: But the problem is they should have brought it to the grand jury to decide from the people, especially with a controversial case like that, whether or not they felt there was a second-degree but said they were looking to cover themselves, overcharge the case which I think is grossly irresponsible.

GUTFELD: Dana, I want get you on this. This happened on Saturday, (INAUDIBLE) you're aware.

PERINO: I actually -- I just finished watching a great independent film and -- called "Take Me Home." I saw -- 9:59 p.m. Everybody -- I was annoyingly -- everybody is tweeting there's a verdict. There's a verdict. I stayed up. I watched it.

From what I saw, I thought there would be a possible manslaughter charge in which was just below the second-degree murder. However, what I am surprised about is that, Bob, did you feel the same way about the O.J. Simpson trial when that verdict came in?


PERINO: For -- on behalf of Nicole Simpson --

BECKEL: I thought O.J. Simpson was as guilty as I was drinking.

PERINO: OK. That's interesting. I didn't realize -- do you see my point?

GUTFELD: Yes. I do see your point.

PERINO: I don't understand the selective outrage by some people. Some of the African-American community are being used by people who want to get more attention for themselves. Why is Kirstie Alley, she has every right, Kristie Alley -- she wants to tweet about it, that's OK.

But what about those six women jurors? They're the ones who were asked to do the job. They sat there. The war on women has been against them. They made a decision -- all of a sudden, no matter what they decide, some one was going to be mad at them.

They are the ones who -- first, the prosecution asked for the trial, or that -- civil rights activists asked for the arrest and the trial. They got the trial. They get a verdict. It is still not good enough.

GUILFOYLE: No. They won't let it go.

BOLLING: Can we throw something else in there? The FBI has already said that there was month -- investigated some 36 different groups to see if -- George Zimmerman was a racist. They were looking for that prior to the original trial. They couldn't get that.

They decided that he wasn't a racist. Original prosecutors in the trial, original -- we don't have enough to bring --

BECKEL: Do you mind if I ask you a question?

BOLLING: Hold on. We don't have enough evidence to bring this case to trial. So we are not going to do it. What does the state of Florida do? No, we are still going on do it. Find a prosecutor that will do it, they and take whatever evidence they have. They put up a big, grandiose case saying he's a murderer. It turns out there was not enough evidence.

There whether not be enough evidence when Eric Holder's Department of Justice gets ahold of and it and realize they don't have case either.

BECKEL: OK, you want me to ask you a question that's really going to outrage you? What if it was white kid that got killed, do you think it was different outcome?

GUILFOYLE: White kid by what?

BOLLING: Nicole Simpson was white. What --

BECKEL: I know she was. I know she was. And that was an outrage trial.

BOLLING: And he was acquitted. So, what's the point?

GUTFELD: There's a young girl who's murdered for a bicycle in New Jersey that no one talks about.

BOLLING: I mean, you want to talk about evidence? You want to talk real evidence? O.J. Simpson's blood is all over the crime scene. Her blood was inside the Bronco.

BECKEL: There's no question --

BOLLING: Bob, there is a case there is a lot of physical evidence --

BECKEL: Exactly.

BOLLING: This is all circumstantial evidence here.

GUTFELD: But, Eric, this is the shift. It was like -- the media created this -- dichotomy, black versus white when -- we realized that he was Hispanic and it is like -- what if Zimmerman was -- what p -- what if -- Trayvon was white.

So, you have to switch and switch --

GUILFOYLE: They called him a white Hispanic.

GUTFELD: Yes, and when the argument doesn't work -- I want to -- Mark O'Mara talking to the media about how the media had affected the outcome or tried to -- outcome of the trial.


MARK O'MARA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You guys, the media, he was like patient on an operating table with a mad scientist were committing experiments on him and had no anesthesia. He didn't know why he was turned in to this monster. You guys had a lot to do with it.


GUTFELD: KG, he just called them out, using a twisted metaphor.

GUILFOYLE: Seems like both of the attorneys -- I got that -- and West are very passionate about George Zimmerman. They spent a tremendous amount of time with them and feel they are being very honest forthright about their personal feelings about Mr. Zimmerman at what they have season through many years in the legal profession how he was treated by the district attorney's office, by the investigators, by media to the point of a serious defamation case that's going to be brought against NBC where they doctored the tape and created some of this racial hysteria that has done nothing but divide this country.

So, if there's blood that results from this and they should be ashamed because they helped put it there.

BECKEL: Can I just say one thing? My real problem here is that any state that allows somebody to carry a gun and walking you around, pretending he is a cop, and it is illegal and he shoots somebody, is a backward --

GUILFOYLE: You don't believe in self-defense?

BECKEL: I don't believe in -- not a question of believe something self- defense.

BOLLING: There's a concealed carry law in every single one --

BECKEL: And it should no be there.

BOLLING: Well, maybe shouldn't be here in America.

BECKEL: Really?

BOLLING: It is the law of every state.

BECKEL: Where should I be?

BOLLING: I don't know. Canada --

GUILFOYLE: You like Thailand, you said.


BECKEL: Thailand, I'll go to.

GUILFOYLE: Don't go to China.

GUTFELD: Bob does raise a good point. It is not -- I don't believe it's concealed and carry. It's who, who should have it? This is a guy that had a prior arrest.

PERINO: Or why don't we have muff law enforcement? Are we having to spend public resources on other things that have nothing to do with what the country should be doing? The government should be doing.

BECKEL: That's a good point.

PERINO: Should there be more cops on the street? You wouldn't need neighborhood watches necessary.

GUTFELD: What do you make of -- this is a tweet from Victor Cruz. I believe he's an athlete for the New York Giants.

GUILFOYLE: It's very upsetting.

GUTFELD: I can't read that far. Thoroughly confused, "Zimmerman does not last year before the hood catches up to him."

PERINO: It's crazy. People have lost their minds.

BOLLING: You know, what's crazier, Victor Cruz is a hero, a -- local kid, grew up dead poor broke, single mother, makes it to the NFL, signs a massive NFL contract, literally a couple of -- maybe weeks ago, months ago. This is the first thing he does out of the box. Now he's backtracking.

GUILFOYLE: Out of character. He tried --

BOLLING: It is out of character.

GUILFOYLE: To be honest, he is well known in the community. Great guy. Great family. You know, tremendous love for his mom and for his grandmother. This is somebody that I would not have expected. I don't know if I can --

BECKEL: Can you relate to the outrage in the black community?

BOLLING: Outrage in the black community -- if -- I think -- we are going to talk about race coming up. There are race baiters out here that are making the -- making -- creating outrage and have to do that because by definition, if they don't create racial outrage, they have no jobs. They're the only thing making an Al Sharpton relevant, or Marc Lamont Hill relevant as being outrageous race-baiters.

GUILFOYLE: What if something happens? That's the thing I hate, gross irresponsibility. These people follow the -- making these statements and people that look up to you and admire you, that listen to you, it is going to be great if they follow up on your actions. That's the problem.

BECKEL: I venture most of the blacks that are out there upset didn't listen to Al Sharpton in first place.

GUILFOYLE: I'm talking about anybody out there. I'm not specifying race.

GUTFELD: I think Bob is making a legitimate point. I do. If you believe that blacks are treated unfairly by the justice system and there is evidence that that happens, this -- this concerns you. Now, they could be wrong on this specific case. But -- you know --

BOLLING: This is a self defense case with no compelling evidence to prove that George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin.

GUILFOYLE: You have to get behind the right case. That's the thing.

GUTFELD: The case -- I mean, the jury knows. This is what happened.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think he should sacrifice somebody, make a sacrificial lamb out of someone for a political point as the facts and circumstances are not there. Choose your case, the fact --

BECKEL: There's thousands of people who get their heads scratched and a broken nose in bars every Saturday night and nobody takes a gun and shoots each other.

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