
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 8, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Jim Carrey is sorry about his attack on gun owners back in March. He said so on Twitter where he seems to be performing exclusively these days.

He writes, "Assault rifle fans," they exist, "I do not agree with you nor do I fear you, but I do love you and I'm sorry that in my outrage, I called you names."

Now, he may be sincere or maybe his agent said, Jim, smearing an entire country won't sell movies. But I can't read his mind. Well, actually I can.

But I just as soon say apology accepted. Although I'm not gleeful because I hate apologies, mainly because I don't ever want to make one myself.

Pressure for an apology mostly comes from boredom, not concern. And no one is really happy that you have apologized. They are just happy they got you to apologize. So, you do to it get the Internet swarm off your back.

A "Red State" blogger just apologized for being sarcastic. Conservatives made him do this, for sarcasm. This used to be the stuff of the left but no more. We all need to stop this.

But maybe Carrey's apology is a good start. Let's admit that Internet outrage creates more Internet outrage. And these outrages of similar proportion create an angry duopoly creating actual debate.

Remember the gun control bill? Could have done something. Get guns away from the mentally ill or create harsher sentences for illegal handgun users. But instead, we dug a divide through demonization.

But at least Jim is sorry and I am, too. Not really.

K.G. --

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Ban phrase, duopoly.

GUTFELD: Isn't it nice? OK, I'll ban it. Isn't it nice he apologized? Or should he let it go?

GUILFOYLE: You know, I think he actually had some other problems like -- I'm not being funny about this. I think he's going through some personal struggles, maybe some mental health issues. It seems like he is somebody who is in flux right now.

GUTFELD: When people go to Twitter to make pronouncement, that's not a good thing, Andrea, right?


GUTFELD: I do it.

TANTAROS: We were talking about this before. Maybe Alec Baldwin set a good example by quitting Twitter.

I would have respected this a lot more had he done it right after he said it. But now, it looks like because his career is in trouble. So, he's waited months and months.

I will say I am glad he did it. He didn't have to do it.

GUTFELD: Eric, as a business head here, do you think he did it for a career reasons?

GULFOYLE: Interesting.


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Here's the problem -- it's not like he tweeted something and goes, you know, time goes by and realizes he made a mistake. I'm sorry. He made a film.


BOLLING: I mean, he went out and financed a film. He did a short film and trashed, you know, gun owners. He trashed Charlton Heston. He thrashed the NRA. And now, he goes, oops, I'm sorry?

Just let it go, Jim. That apology is worse than apologizing.

GUTFELD: Bob, you have been everywhere and back in terms of mistakes and stuff like that. You almost qualify as an expert. What advice would you give Jim at this point?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: First of all, I don't know what duopoly means. That's number one.

Number two, if were Jim I would --

GUILFOYLE: Monopoly.

BECKEL: -- just go to sleep, stay asleep for a long time, try not to apologize, because nobody believes you, first of all. And second, they know he wants a sell a record. And he was great back in the time. Now he hasn't done anything good.

Remember when he had bat crap? That was animal --

GUTFELD: Bat crap?



BECKEL: That was the animal --

BOLLING: "Pet Detective."

GUILFOYLE: What do you mean bat? This is so weird.

GUTFELD: He confused "Batman" with "Ace Ventura."

BECKEL: No, no, no. I didn't use the word.

TANTAROS: Do you think if his movie did really well he never would have apologized?

GUTFELD: Probably. I think it is sad that anybody has to apologize. Don't apologize anymore.

BECKEL: I apologized.

GUTFELD: I'm sorry about that.

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