
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Open Season

Gun rights advocates are having a field day with misstatements from one of the sponsors of a bill banning high-capacity magazines.

Democratic Congresswoman Diana DeGette of Colorado was asked how banning sales of those magazines would be effective since there are millions already in use.

She said this -– quote -- "These are ammunition -- bullets...if you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available."

The problem, of course, is that magazines can be reloaded with more bullets and used again.

Her spokeswoman tried to clarify things, explaining DeGette meant to say "clips" not "magazines."

However, clips can also be reloaded.


North Korea's government -- which has been accused of hacking -- has apparently fallen victim to the practice.

Normally, the regime's Twitter and Flickr pages publish pictures of leader Kim Jong Un meeting with military officials or conducting official business.

Well today, this picture came out depicting Kim with a pig-like snout.

And there were several more postings claiming other North Korean government-run websites were also hacked.

Rocking the Boat

Finally, Senator Jay Rockefeller asked Carnival Cruise Line to pay back the government for government assistance  during recent mishaps.

Carnival's response -- "no way."

Rockefeller says, the Navy and Coast Guard spent $4.2 million helping the passengers and crew of the Splendor and Triumph -- when those ships were stranded.

But Carnival says, according to maritime tradition, it is a universal obligation to help those in trouble at sea.

Rockefeller calls Carnival's response shameful.