
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 12, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, in my mind which is made of filth and potatoes, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the best thing to happen to Republicans since Ronald Reagan. I had wedgies less irritating than her. And that can only chafe the Democrats.


GUTFELD: Case in point, once again the DNC chair links the Tea Party to the Tucson mass murder.

So, Frizzila, I bet you think this discourse in America and discourse in Congress in particular has really changed.


REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, D-FLA.: The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular, to answer your question very specifically has really changed. And I'll tell you, I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it takes a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement.


GUTFELD: So, that's like the opposite of hesitating to place blame.

Anyway, so the hack you just called Mitt, a wounded candidate, is talking about tone, just a reminder, Deb, at a Tea Party, no one ditched a 13-month-old girl alone in a tent which happened in the Occupy camp. Yes, that's the Tea Party's fault anyway.

But let's gloss over her hateful lapses in logic and let me address the Democrats in general. Guys, what are you doing? How on earth did you settle on this person? Did you put an ad in USA Today for America's most obnoxious person?

In a nation of growing independents, this is what you want in a spokesperson, where Joy Behar and Sean Penn not available? This wooly windbag is doing more for the right than free enterprise. Every time she opens her mouth, more Americans think "I'm voting for Romney so I don't have to see this woman again."

I wish Obama would make her chief of staff.


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: The job is available.


GUTFELD: OK, Dana, shouldn't the Dems be a little worried about how she comes across? She is awful.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I was just -- we played at the beginning of the show, President Obama's speech last night, it was like that was maybe a perfect speech for that audience, not a great speech if it's going to be broadcast on television and played back later for a broader audience.

I do think she is like nails on a chalkboard for some people. And sometimes -- she is so accomplished. She could be a great example of somebody who could try to bridge divides. Instead, she rattles off talking points that also read stuff about the Tea Party being responsible for shooting of Gabrielle Giffords. I mean, didn't we go through this already?

GUILFOYLE: She's not helpful at all.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Wait, wait, wait. It is a big leap to suggest that she was saying that Tea Party was responsible for Giffords being shot in that piece.

GUTFELD: She did.

BECKEL: She said that the tone changed considerably after the Tea Party people begun disrupting congressional --


GUTFELD: That's a cowardly way. She said it's their fault. She did not --

BECKEL: Let me tell you why she is the chairperson. She raised a lot of money. She's been very successful in campaigns. People want her to go and campaign.

You don't like her because the things she says about the Tea Party get you upset. I can understand that.

GUTFELD: No, no. The tone argument would make sense if the Tea Party were committing crimes like Occupy Wall Street. But they aren't -- Eric.

GUILFOYLE: Parallel doesn't match up.

BOLLING: It is an evil, evil thing to say. When you're talking about Gabrielle Giffords, you know, an inspiring story, and then say the tone, the rhetoric has stepped up, with the advent of the Tea Party -- all the violence and all the rapes and all the drug dealings going on --


BECKEL: Oh, please.

GUILFOYLE: That's dangerous political pandering on her part. I don't think it's a good idea. It's not helpful, Bob..

BECKEL: She is one of Gabby Giffords' best friends. I don't believe for a minute that she would say that.

GUTFELD: Politicize that moment.

Can I move on? I want to talk about Al Gore. He was -- Tuesday --

BECKEL: Do we have --

GUTFELD: Yes, we got, just a minute.


GUTFELD: Tuesday night is coverage of the New Hampshire primary on Current TV. Current TV is the network that voted to the ocean's currents.

It's got four viewers.

Anyway, he was talking about how global warming should be part of the campaign. I think we have a SOT.


FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: We as a free governing people in one nation with the best chance to lead the world at a moment when the future of civilization at risk, we have to find a way to not only talk about, but effectively deal with this issue.


GUTFELD: Why do they keep him in that little box?

GUILFOYLE: I know. It's sort of a lockbox.

GUTFELD: Yes, he's finally got a lockbox which he lives in.

He says it's civilization that's at risk. But isn't it more about Al Gore's relevance? If you stop talking about global warming, what does he have lest but hosting gig on network no one watches?

GUILFOYLE: He is the king of the sunburn. And I'm also going to take up a little collection for him for Chicken Little, because the sky is falling. A little doll that he can carry around with him.

Yes, he has to keep this in play. This is what he sort of hung his hat on. And everybody knows him for this. This is the issue that he got a little prominence in and now it's been debunked.

BECKEL: It is an issue that threatens this planet. And there's nothing to take lightly. And I know it's easy to make fun of Al Gore and the right likes to make fun of the climate change. It's real. There are implications for it.

BOLLING: How do you know it's real?


BOLLING: Wackos in England told us that it's real --


BECKEL: Overwhelming, 90-plus percent of climate scientists say that it is real.

GUILFOYLE: Well, then, why do I still have to get a spray can with me?

BOLLING: Global warming --


GUTFELD: This is the problem with doing global warming on a show. It gets out of control. And I have to go to the break.

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