
This is a rush transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," August 15, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ALEXIS GLICK, GUEST HOST: Right now, we're standing here with a man who believes that Americans are willing to give up their large gas-guzzling SUVs in exchange for something called the Smart Car.

Joining me right now is the CEO of Smart Car, Dave Schembri.

Thanks for joining us.

DAVE SCHEMBRI, CEO, SMART USA: It's great to be here, Alexis.

GLICK: All right.

So, this has been a bit hit in Europe. You're bringing it here to the United States. And you do believe that Americans are willing to drive a tiny little car?

SCHEMBRI: You know, America has never been more ready for a car like this.

Concerns about urban congestion, look at right here in New York. Rising gas prices, concerns about the environment — you know, in America, we love our cars, so you need to have a car that's also fun to drive. And this car meets all of those objectives.

GLICK: OK. I understand fun to drive. I look at this car and I say to myself, this is for a younger demographic. This is like college kids. What about safety, because this car is tiny compared to most of SUVs that we drive on the road?

SCHEMBRI: You know, the safety management system of this car is as amazing as the car itself. The outline and silver metallic is called the tridion safety cell. It's a reinforced steel cage that acts much like a NASCAR roll cage.

And you notice you sit high in this vehicle. It's 5.1 feet tall. And it allows all the energy to be absorbed underneath the vehicle. In the event of a front crash, you will see damage to the front and the rear, keeping the occupants safe.

GLICK: OK. Let's talk about mileage, because that's one of the key — the key things here. And you have received 20,000 orders for this car here in the United States?

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