
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," August 2, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: And welcome back to “Hannity & Colmes”. We continue our coverage tonight of the tragedy in Minnesota where families and friends are just trying to understand how to cope with such an intense feeling of tragedy. One might ask themselves, “What is next?”

And joining us now, psychiatrist and the host of "The Keith Ablow Show," Dr. Keith Ablow. And from FOX radio, KTLK, Jeff Monosso is with us.

Now, Dr. Ablow, it's heartbreaking, these interviews, people that have lost loved ones or don't know the status of their loved ones that are missing here. And you deal with tragedy on a regular basis. Is it harder for people that, you know, deal with the surprise circumstance like this?

First maybe somebody that is dealing with somebody that is sick a long time. It is not as big a shock or surprise, it's not from a psychological standpoint?

DR. KEITH ABLOW, HOST, "THE KEITH ABLOW SHOW": I think, Sean, the surprise is a major stressor here, in addition to the actual events that unfold. Because what it does is it brings people into direct contact with, you know, thoughts of mortality, the fact that we don't really know what's going to happen tomorrow.

And for a large number of people, even looking on, it brings up prior losses that they couldn't predict. It makes them feel vulnerable again.

HANNITY: It really makes all of us feel that day, and it also reminds us that, you know, each and every moment of our lives is precious and every moment is a gift.

Jeff, I know that there are a lot of questions unanswered. The recovery continues even as we speak here. People are calling into KTLK, your talk show, and mine, and they're saying, "This shouldn't happen in America."

I expect that, beyond the questions, there's going to be a lot of anger emerging in the days to come, after the mourning. Are you beginning to see signs of that?

JEFF MONOSSO, FOX RADIO: We are. Family members, there were questions about family members who — well, the rescue crews, they suspended the operation early on about midnight on Wednesday night. And family members — I mean, if you have a family member out there, or if I have a family member out there, you're going to say, you know, keep searching.

Those are the questions that are going to be asked. It's going to be — right now the governor has said it's a lot of "hurry up and wait" at this point.

HANNITY: Doctor Ablow, what can people possibly do to offer comfort to these families and in this time of tragedy?

ABLOW: You know what the best thing, Sean, that we can do is don't assume that people don't want to talk about it. I think that's the error that people make.

The more that people can be encouraged to open up, ask some open-ended questions: "What are you thinking right now? What are you feeling? I'm so concerned for you. I just wonder what's in your mind?"

There's very good data that tells us that rather shutting down and sort of, you know, inviting these thoughts or feelings to sort of be in your way down the road, it's much better if you can speak more about it now rather than less.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Keith, you also talk about facing the pain, living in the pain, not running away, if you're one of the families trying to cope with all this?

ABLOW: Absolutely. You know what? Here's the thing. If you can think to yourself that your grief and your suffering, which all of us empathize with, but none of us can really, really grasp when it's not happening to us.

But those victims can think to themselves, the families of those victims, you know what? I'm feeling this terrible pain. I would only be feeling it if it's because of the great love I shared with the person I lost. And speak more about their wonderful qualities. Reach out to other people who knew them. Give words to your thoughts and feelings, rather than, you know, shutting down or staying by yourself.

HANNITY: All right. Stay with us. We're going to have more with Dr. Keith Ablow and Jeff Monosso on the other side of the break as we continue.


COLMES: Welcome back to “Hannity & Colmes.” We now continue with Dr. Keith Ablow and FOX Radio, KTLK, Jeff Monosso.

Jeff, the worst experiences sometimes bring out the best in people. Is that some of what you're seeing on the ground there in Minnesota tonight?

MONOSSO: Alan, we saw some amazing experiences, you know, after the crash, moments after the crash. And even some of the folks who, unfortunately, were on the bridge at the time of the collapse, and they helped others. They helped others get out of there.

And then there's some heroic stories that are gong to come out of this catastrophe that happened here in Minneapolis.

COLMES: Keith, we're hoping for a few...

MONOSSO: It is amazing.

COLMES: We're hoping for a few more miracles.

ABLOW: Absolutely. And you know what? You can create your own miracles. Because, if nothing else, seeing this sudden tragedy, if everybody watching right now were to pick up a phone and say, "Who have I not told that I care about them for a while? I'm going to make that call tonight."

That's flipping this tragedy into something like human spirit, too. And I think that people can do that when they desire to do so.

COLMES: Dr. Ablow, we thank you very much for being with us.

Jeff, we thank you.

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