
This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 14, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: Now for the top story tonight. On December 17, 2004, 19-year-old Ashley Hach and her friend, 20-year-old Scott Rollins, were driving on a Columbus, Ohio, freeway when a drunk driver, Jose Sanpallo, driving on the wrong side of the road, hit them head on, killing the two young people and himself.

Sanpallo had an extensive criminal record, including a previous DUI but Judge John Connor had him released early released from prison. And even though he violated his parole, Connor would not send him back to jail. Joining us now from Columbus, Melissa Rollins, the mother of Scott. And Connie Hach, Ashley's mom.

Miss Hach, we begin with you. Did you ever get to talk to Judge Connor? Did he ever say anything to you, ma'am?

CONNIE HACH, DAUGHTER KILLED BY DRUNK DRIVER IN 2004: He never said anything to me personally. He did write a letter to my ex-husband who had asked him some questions about why he let this guy out early. But as far as me, no.

I did some research on the Internet about the judge and I found out about his eight DUIs, his three convictions, the cocaine that was in his car, and I was appalled. And I did everything in my power to tell everyone I knew the story. And I kept thinking, how can I get people to hear this? I don't want this to ever happen to somebody else's family. And I didn't know what to do. But I kept telling the story. And when I would tell the story about the judge's DUIs they would say they couldn't believe it was the judge. They thought I meant the man who killed Ashley, who was going the wrong way on the highway, who was drunk. And I said no, the judge himself.

So I kept thinking, can he be impartial? Is this man impartial? Is this affecting his judgment? The other day when I heard about these two little boys, a chill went through my body. And I realized that it was true. He was not being impartial. And he did an injustice to these little boys, an insult.

O'REILLY: He is certainly not fit to serve. Now, when he wrote the letter to your former husband, what did he say in the letter by way of explanation? You know, this guy that killed your daughter and Miss Rollins' son, he had a long rap sheet. I mean, this is a bad guy, robbery and everything else. And then Connor reached into the prison system and pulled him out and even after he released him, the guy violated his parole and Connor wouldn't put him back. So what did he say to your ex-husband in a letter?

HACH: To be honest with you, I don't remember exactly what he said in the letter, but I do remember the gist of it, in my heart, was that he was arrogant — mentioned something about an accident his own son had passed and that I should get on with my life.

O'REILLY: Oh boy. Ms. Rollins, how about yourself? Did you ever have any interaction with Connor? Did you ever speak to him? Did he give you an explanation of why he let this Sanpallo out on the street?

MELISSA ROLLINS, SON KILLED BY DRUNK DRIVER IN 2004: No, I have never talked to him personally. The first I have seen him was actually last night on the news.

O'REILLY: On our show?


O'REILLY: When you heard that he let the child rapist out on probation, the 5 and 12-year-old boys he raped repeatedly over a three-year period, that must have connected with your situation somewhat?

ROLLINS: Oh, yes, it did. I just — me and Connie had talked before. It's just like it's amazing, you know, that a judge could do this. Let someone walk the streets, and they are supposed to be safety for us. You know, our kids actually are going now by this judge decision that he made, and the two kids now still, what this rapist did, they are marked for life.

O'REILLY: There is no question. Now, do you blame Connor for the death of your son, madam?

ROLLINS: This could have been prevented, yes.

O'REILLY: Do you, Ms. Hach? Do you blame Connor for the death of your daughter?

HACH: Who I blame is possibly the system because common sense tells us — when I heard he had eight DUIs and three convictions — common sense tells me that — and everyone else I have talked to agrees with me — that he should not have been allowed to stay in his position. So I don't know whether I can blame him personally, but I do blame whoever...

O'REILLY: This is the way I see it. He's sober when he is on the bench. I don't know what he does, OK?

HACH: He shouldn't be there.

O'REILLY: I agree with you. I agree with you. He shouldn't be there, and he won't be there much longer. I know the people in America are going to rise up. I know they are. And this is worse than the Vermont thing. What he did with the child rapist.

But you know, he is sitting on the bench. Ms. Hach, he is sitting on the bench.

HACH: The only thing I can tell everyone who is watching...

O'REILLY: He knows this Sanpallo is a bad guy. And he went out of his way to get him out of prison. Even after Sanpallo violated his parole, he wouldn't put him back. You ladies are both better persons than I am, because if it were my kid, I would probably be gunning for this judge.

HACH: I'm not a better person. I have done whatever I can, in the day I got the call from Cathy Harper Lee, I said you have answered my prayers. And I said I didn't know what to do. And now I do. Thank goodness people can hear me now. I know until it happens to you and your family, you're sad for me, I'm sure, and I'm grateful for that, but I want you to know it could happen to you and I don't want it to.

O'REILLY: Absolutely.

HACH: And because the pain is so deep and so bad that I would want none of you to ever feel because it's that bad that I'm trying to now reach out. And that's why I'm sitting here today, to beg all of you to reach out and help us, this little boy, because it could be your family, your son, your daughter, your mother, your father and I don't want this to happen to you. And that's why I'm here.

O'REILLY: Don't worry, Ms. Hach and Ms. Rollins, we are going to continue on this. And we have the attorney general of the State of Ohio coming on "The Factor" Wednesday night. And he's a top law enforcement officer as you know in your state. And this judge has to go. It's not a matter of being suspended. It's not a matter of being — he's got to go. And we will try to make that happen. I think everybody is going to rally. Everybody in the country is going to rally behind you. Enough is enough. This guy is not fit to serve.

ROLLINS: And I do have to say something though. I do know probably the Franklin county cop, the police officers and everybody has done their part trying to get the guy in there.

O'REILLY: Absolutely. It's him.

ROLLINS: And it's the judge is not following through on what they are supposed to be doing.

O'REILLY: We will fight the good fight, ladies. And we appreciate you guys coming on the program, and I'm sure you made a big, big difference. And we will have the attorney general of Ohio on tomorrow night. Thank you.

HACH: Thanks, everyone.

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