
This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," August 9, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America. I'm glad you're here.

I have to tell you that I just read an article before I came in the studio about how Americans are not visiting American news sites as much anymore. They're starting to go overseas to try to get their news overseas because they trust it more.

What is happening to us? What is happening to our country? We know instinctively in our gut.

Have you read this? This is Barack Obama's book, "Dreams from My Father." This is the number one "New York Times" best seller list out for a long time. It will really truly change your perspective on things.

Let me ask you this: What were the dreams of your father? Do you know? What was he passionate about? What did he want for you?

Maybe he wanted you to go to college, because maybe he didn't even graduate from high school. He definitely wanted something better for you than he had. Maybe he always wanted to start his own business and be his own boss but couldn't. Maybe he just wanted to take your mom to Europe or South America on a dream vacation.

I remember my dad, just — all he wanted to do is retire and go golfing. He didn't make it. Because he worked so hard, by the time he could retire, his back was so bad he couldn't walk around the course.

But maybe your father, his dream was to retire, enjoy his grandchildren and go fishing with them. I don't know what the dreams of your father were, but at least some of those dreams that I just mentioned, you could probably relate to, even if they weren't your dad's dreams.

As an American, chances are, your father didn't dream of leaving his family and 2-year-old toddler behind to continue his education at an Ivy League school so that he could take that American government-paid education back to his home country, along with a woman he picked up in Boston who had become his third wife to encourage his nation to drop the newfangled socialism being promoted in favor of old-style Soviet Marxism.

Do you know anybody who had a dad who that was their dream? I don't know him, but the only one whose dad had that dream that I know is Barack Obama. Those were the dreams of Barack Obama's father. But they were a little more complicated than that, but essentially, that's what Barack Obama senior did.

He fought against African socialism advocated by pro-western third way leader. This guy. And the president of Kenya, this is Kenyatta. Do you have Kenyatta? There he is.

And he fought against those guys in favor of the communist allied leader. He wrote an article in 1965. It's called "Problems Facing Our Socialism," written by Obama senior.

This has a point. It's not just a history lesson. This actually applies to today and maybe can help you figure out what's really going on in the world and maybe help wake your neighbors up.

In this report, this mocks the government's economic policy of African socialism while focusing on what needs to be done in Kenya. He says "What is more important is to find means by which we can redistribute our economic gains to the benefit of all and at the same time be able to channel some of these gains to future production. It's the government's obligation."

He goes on: "We also need to eliminate power structures that have been built through excessive accumulation so that not only a few individuals have control of vast magnitude of the resources as is the case now. How could we afford to ignore the pockets of this economy which are underdeveloped without some positive statement about their development? In Kenya, the colonial government only developed the so-called white areas."

Anti-colonialism — in this case, it was anti-English and Marxist. Not even Marxist. It was full-fledged Soviet.

That is Barack Obama senior. Those were the dreams from his father.

Now, his father went back to Kenya. He became the senior economist with the Kenya government — until his disagreements with the president, President Kenyatta, led to his firing and apparent alcoholism.

Now, back in Hawaii, according to President Obama's first book, "Dreams from My Father," his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, continued to direct young Barack Obama's attention and focus on the character and ideology of his communist and atheist biological father rather than the man whom Durham was remarried, Lolo Soetoro. This guy, he is from Indonesia.

So, now, here's young Barack Obama caught between three races: white, Asian, black. And three worlds: America, Indonesia and far off Kenya with his father. That can be a really, really good thing. But it can also be a really, really bad thing.

Barack Obama was left with the faint stories of the man who left him behind and later, the story of his father's father. This is where it gets interesting and we talked about this one before. His father's father, Barack Obama's grandfather, Hussein Obama, he is a man who became a cook for the British colonial troops in Kenya — the British in Kenya. He converted to Islam.

But what were the dreams of Barack Obama's grandfather? Well, he became involved in the independent move in the Kenya. And when that was discovered by colonial forces, British forces, in 1949, Barack Obama's grandfather was taken into custody and jailed for six months by the British. Now, according to Obama's grandmother, one of Hussein's wives, the British brutally tortured him while in custody to the point where he suffered permanent physical disabilities.

If you put those pieces in a puzzle and you put them together, it might shed some light on the way that Barack Obama junior deals with the British today.

Remember, if you go back to May when the White House said this, they wanted to keep the boot on the throat of BP, or when we needed NATO's help in sending more troops to support our war in Afghanistan, guess who is there to lend a hand? I'll give you a hint: it wasn't Germany, it wasn't France. It shouldn't come as a surprise. The British were reportedly warned when Obama was elected that while they will, quote, "remain special to us," quoting, "Britain may have to make room for a more special countries."

The colonial country of Britain — the dreams of Barack Obama's grandfather, dream of independent Kenya, they were realized. Then his father came and wanted a Marxist utopia in that country, for that now independent nation. Well, they seem closer than ever now.

And here's why I mention it today. The new Kenyan constitution was put to a referendum and passed just last week. And the exciting new document is here. It contains a preamble, spelling out the social justice of the people's right to housing, health, and food.

Now, this is interesting because this is now a charter of positive liberties, not negative liberties. It will tell you what the government has to do for you.

My question is, when you have health care in nation as poor as Kenya, how do you make good on those rights? Also, this reads like the old Soviet constitution. Somewhere, Barack Obama senior is smiling back.

But how about Barack Obama junior, the dreams from his father? What was it Barack Obama said about the American Constitution?


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Generally, the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you. But it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.


BECK: Like this one does. Now, Kenya seems to be a document of positive liberties. In Section 33 of the new constitution under the heading "Freedom of Expression," it outlines a few other specifics.

"The right to freedom of expression does not extend to propaganda for war, incitement to violence, hate speech or advocacy of hatred. That constitutes ethnic incitement, vilification of others or incitement to cause harm, or is based on any ground of discrimination specified or contemplated in Article 27(4). In the exercise of right to freedom of expression, every person shall respect the rights and reputation of others."

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm sure incitement to violence or hate speech or advocacy shouldn't be at all difficult to define. It won't have a problem with that one at all.

The dreams of his father had been realized in Kenya late last week. Did you know that? Does he know that?

Are they — are they unrelated? Is this unrelated to the dreams of his son? Because the dreams of his son seem almost — almost like the dreams of his father. And they're not dreams of my dad. I doubt they're the dreams of yours.

The dreams of my father were that we would be able to make our own way in life. I think those are the dreams of Martin Luther King's father as well. The vast majority of Americans share the dreams of our forefathers - - not the nightmares — the dreams, the aspirations, the hopes, the goal — the dreams responsible for creating the reality of the freest, most prosperous and the most generous nation to ever exist on Earth.

Another thing America has to decide. What were the dreams from his father, and his grandfather — that have now after all these years been realized? And, is the son and grandson pursuing those same just goals against colonialism here?

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel

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