
This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," July 21, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: You know, Vilsack said that it is teachable moment here. Hot root beer? Great! Hot root beer? Yes, go ahead.

What are you hiding behind the camera, Oscar? Like a hot root beer? Thank you very much.

It's a teachable moment. A year ago, we had a beer summit. I'm an alcoholic, recovering. Yes. So, we will have a root beer summit to see what we can learn from the mess with Sherrod.

Has it — has it hit anybody else that's the way the English say charade? Sherrod. Hmm. Just like the lady's name in this. Sherrod.

I told you before that this is about one of three things — nothing like boiling hot root beer directly from the streets of New York.


In an effort to discredit Fox News, and the media, they have made a huge mistake. But I think that is option number one.

The NAACP immediately said they were snookered by Fox. First of all, who uses the word "snookered"? Who does that? They were snookered by Fox News.

Now, I have to ask you, doesn't the NAACP own the tape? Didn't they have the whole thing? How were they snookered on this one?

And I keep hearing from the White House and everyone else that Fox News isn't a real news network. It's practically the Cartoon Network. Really?

So then really, how were you snookered by the Cartoon Network? I thought for sure the invisible plane was real! That doesn't make sense.

Is it possible maybe you want people to walk away and say see, you can't trust Fox News. It's the fixed news channel. Is it possible?

Uh-oh, did I at 5:00 yesterday make that? It's almost like someone is playing three-dimensional chess. Uh-oh! Yes, the guy with the chalk and the chalkboard. And you got all these brains and all this money working against poor little us at 5:00. How do you sleep at night?

The other thing this thing is about is incompetence. I mean, how many terrible decisions has this administration made? I mean really — ones that are destroying the country, it's almost like they're intentionally trying to destroy it? Oh, did I say that? I better take another swig of root beer.

Kids, don't drink this stuff at home. I'm a professional.

The incompetence is not just in the White House. It is in the press. They are not incompetent. They're complicit.

Now, here's what they say about me: Glenn Beck just does nothing but smear campaigns. Glenn Beck takes things out of context. Glenn Beck distorts things. Glenn Beck jumps to conclusions.

Really? Would you like the come over for a hot root beer summit with us? Because I think we could level those same charges that at this administration. What do you say?

This administration seems to avoid all the criticism from the press — it's weird — even though they have a history of rushing to judgment. Robert Gibbs admitted it today in the Sherrod story.


ROBERT GIBBS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Members of this administration, members of the media, members of different political factions on both sides of this, have all made determinations and judgments without a full set of facts.


BECK: No, not me.

Rob, may I call you Rob? Do you prefer Bobby?

Bobby, don't try to spread the blame. I didn't fire her. You did. Nobody here at Fox News fired her. You did — yes — without the facts.

Boy, oh, boy, somebody who sued this woman sued the federal government and won $13 million in a settlement. Can you imagine how she's going to sue you guys now? Wait a minute, that's us. Uh-oh, that's a problem.

Somebody get Cloward and Piven on the phone.

It's almost like there is a pattern here. Boy, you know what? Let me tell you something: this is a good case. The White House should unionize all their workers — that way, they could go to rubber rooms and never ever be fired.

Just look at the pattern here. Do you remember when the president condemned the Cambridge police at the National Press Conference a year ago tomorrow?


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home.


BECK: Yes. He didn't have all the facts. He lashed out, didn't have all the facts, and that's why you have to have that teachable moment, the beer summit. Yes. We get a cop involved, we get everything else. But what did they learn really?

The president can throw back a few beers. He knows how to spin a story.

And the truth doesn't matter. That's what I learned. Is that what you learned? Was that I was supposed to learn? What were they supposed to learn?

Maybe they should have learned don't rush to make comments. Maybe — maybe he only rushes to make comments because he knows what the typical white person is really all about.


OBAMA: The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, you know, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred into our experiences that don't go away.


BECK: No. No big deal. Why pay attention to that? What are you doing? Just clinging to your sky god and your boom stick.

I like to say it almost sounds like he's making judgments without the facts. But let me ask Robert Gibbs to be sure.

What happened here, Robert?


GIBBS: — made determinations and judgments without a full set of facts.


BECK: And normally, I'd say, I'm taking that sound out of context. But today, it actually applies.

Before he even bothered reading the Arizona immigration bill, the president immediately came out to warn kids that they will be snatched up while eating ice cream with grandpapa!


OBAMA: If you are a Hispanic American in Arizona — your great grandparents may been there before Arizona was even a state. But, now, suddenly, if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream — you're going to be harassed. That's something that could potentially happen.


BECK: Let's get it right straight from the horse's mouth at the White House, Bobby Gibbs.


GIBBS: — made determinations and judgments without a full set of facts.


BECK: I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you, Bobby.

And how about those evil doctors the president always warns us about? Remember when Obama made the outrageous assumption that they were doing unnecessary foot amputations and ripping the tonsils right out of children's mouths and throats for a few extra bucks.


OBAMA: If that same diabetic ends up getting their foot amputated, that's $30,000, $40,000, $50,000, immediately, the surgeon is reimbursed. The doctor may look at the reimbursement system, and say to himself, "You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out."


BECK: Oh, my goodness. So, we will have tonsil-less, footless children being harassed at ice cream parlors all across the nation!

It almost sounds a little like — Robert, how would you describe what just happened there?


GIBBS: — made determinations and judgments without a full set of facts.


BECK: Yes. Of course, if the president actually read bills, you know, he wouldn't jump to conclusions. He would know the bill specifically prohibits racial profiling. The BP oil spill? The president said he hadn't even bothered meeting with BP CEOs because he already knows what people like that are going to say.


OBAMA: I have not spoken to him directly and here is the reason - because my experience is when you talk to a guy like a BP CEO, he's going to say all the right things to me. I'm not interested in words. I'm interested in actions.


BECK: Yes, and he takes action. Forget about those words. Forget about the facts. Forget about anything. Why waste time searching for the truth or facts? He already knows who these people are. How exactly?

You see, the president likes to rush you to judgment quick. Sign it because I will plan by tonight. But then he accuses those who said that federally-funded abortions were, you know, coming in the healthcare bill. He said no, no, no. Those people are bearing false witness.


OBAMA: There are some folks out there who are frankly bearing false witness. We heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true.


BECK: Not true. Not true. Bearing false witness. Two states are already funding abortions with federal money. Oopsie, let's go to Robert Gibbs one more time. Bobby?


GIBBS: Made determinations in judgment without a full set of facts.


BECK: Call me.

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