
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 11, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Joran van der Sloot officially charged with first-degree murder. A judge in Peru says Van der Sloot acted with ferocity and great cruelty.

This is a video of Van der Sloot on his journey to prison. You can see police moving Van der Sloot from the prosecutor's office to a holding cell.

Now this is a video of Castro-Castro prison in Peru. Van der Sloot will reportedly wait for his trial in this Peruvian prison. So what is it like inside the prison?

"On the Record" has obtained this video showing the inside of another Peruvian prison similar to the one Joran will call home. What will life be like though for Joran behind bars.

Joining us in Peru is GRN correspondent, Dan Collyns. Dan, since we are on Skype, let me ask the two questions. Tell me about the charges and what's prison is going to be like or what's jail going to be like for Joran van der Sloot?

DAN COLLYNS, GLOBAL RADIO NETWORK CORRESPONDENT: Greta, the charges are first degree murder as we expected and also robbery. And as you mentioned there, the judge said he acted with great cruelty and ferocity.

Yes, it seems from the video you have there, extraordinary scenes in the palace of justice as he was transferred along with other prisoners. He was the last to be taken out of the back of a van. Instantly recognized by crowds and onlookers because of his close cut hair and stature, they shouted murder throwing vegetables as police held them back.

There's a great deal of public anger here as you can imagine and that's something that (inaudible) security prison. There are other (inaudible) murderers and terrorist mostly former members of (inaudible) as well as relatively small (inaudible) prisoners, very tightly controlled based on the U.S. prison model with several (inaudible).

And a high level police source and prison security told me he will be held probably in solitary confinement for four to five months at least for his own safety, because this has been such a high profile and infamous case in Peru. He could easily be killed or seriously injured by other prisoners he told me.

So there are serious security concerns and they are wondering how they are going to be able to integrate him into the prison system. He will be there for probably several months before the trial begins and he will remain there after the trial when the sentence is given.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of those crowds, is it routine or common that crowds show up and scream things or is this unusual? It would be unusual in the United States for someone to be transported from the jail or courthouse or prison and have crowds show up and start yelling things. Is this unusual?

COLLYNS: This is - it's not as unusual as it would be in the United States. Crowds do show up. Sometimes they are encouraged by the authorities. I think in this case though there is such a high level of public anger. People were predicting where he would be and what time.

Crowds followed him from the police investigation unit to the prosecutor's office and the palace of justice. He's been followed by the press all the way to Castro-Castro prison as well. I can't remember a case like this, which has incited such public anger in the three years I've been in Peru. This is certainly the most infamous case I've heard of.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of solitary confinement, in the United States, you would have a cell that is relatively clean. You'll be left alone. You could get out periodically. Do you have any idea what solitary confinement means in Peru? What the conditions are of - the jail facility for instance?

COLLYNS: Well, Greta, as I mentioned, he's been held in solitary environment not as a punishment as such, but to protect him from other prisoners. It would be very basic. He will probably have a bucket in the corner for his bathroom and he'll have - he's also on suicide watch.

So there will be no kind of implements, which could he could in any way injure himself with. It is going to be very basic conditions. By all accounts, specially speaking to high level police sources experts in prison security, he's in for a very rough ride.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dan, thank you very much.

And there is more news tonight out of Peru. There is newly released surveillance tape of Joran van der Sloot from the morning of the murder.

Now, 8:35 a.m., Joran leaves his hotel room with two coffee cups in his hand. He lingers outside a few seconds then he knocks or at least pretends to knock on the door. Joran seems to be aware he's on camera. He then walks away and returns about 1 minute later.

Then Joran leaves yet, again, and at 8:39 a.m., Joran returns to the hotel worker who lets him into the room. Finally, about one hour later, Joran leaves the hotel for good. No coffee cups, but he does have his bags in hand.

So what does all of this mean to the prosecution? Let's bring in the panel. Joining us in San Francisco, former assistant DA Jim Hammer and here in Washington, criminal defense attorneys Ted Williams and Bernie Grimm.

Jim, (inaudible) to this case. You are looking at this video for the first time trying to figure out how it fits into scheme of the prosecution, what do you think?

JIM HAMMER, FORMER ASSISTANT D.A., SAN FRANCISCO: Well, I think I thank God that Joran van der Sloot is so stupid in addition to being a killer. I mean, it is a rare day that we actually get a look into somebody trying to lay their alibi.

And what it looks like to me is this guy is trying to lay the record with this hotel employee that look, I went to the room, everything was fine. All of a sudden, she ends up dead. The only mystery is the camera.

What I don't get still is, does he see the cameras? He looks towards it, not quite into it because if he does, he has to be awfully stupid not to know it shows him setting up this crazy alibi.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bernie, if I were the defense attorney I wouldn't be pleased with this videotape also knowing that in addition to that, they are going to sandwich it with the fact there's a dead woman inside that room.

BERNIE GRIMM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes, the problem is some defense lawyer could make hay out of the fact that, look, my client, he came back and he actually knocked on the door. Right here the guy is so cold and calculated and diabolical. He actually stops short of a couple inches.

VAN SUSTEREN: He comes out of the room, looks like a complete set-up. OK, now comes the fake where he does the knocking.

GRIMM: Right, it is just -- I don't know. It is like somebody putting together a bad movie. I mean, it's just - and then produced by Ted or something. It was just terrible.

TED WILLIAMS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I wouldn't even want to produce that movie, Brother Grimm. I can tell you. This guy is just cold, calculating and manipulative trying to set up an alibi, but I would have to say in (inaudible) that he stuck on stupid.

The fact about it is, we know that Van der Sloot and this woman entered that room. Nobody has left that room but Van der Sloot, in and out, no matter how many cups of coffee he had. I'm very troubled. I don't think it really helps Van Der Sloot at all.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, the interesting about it, in the five years that we've been tracking the story. The one common thread is he seems so money motivated. The latest story is he was intended to rob her. What - Jim?

HAMMER: You are right, money motivated and calculated. I mean, -- it is chilling to watch this guy. Assuming it is true that he murdered her. We've all looked at a lot of murder cases, but to be this cold and calculated and cool about it. Carrying the coffee cups, asking the hotel guy, -- this is -- but is the picture of a really cold blooded killer if this is true, Greta. It's really just chilling.

VAN SUSTEREN: But that's the strange thing about it. We were in a hotel room with him in Thailand for hours on end one weekend and he seems like, quote, "a normal person, a normal young man." I mean, that's what -- that's a scary -- it is like he wasn't aggressive or anything.

GRIMM: The chilling thing you bring out about it. I saw your interview with him and he just seems like a regular guy, obviously he's got some issues.

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, really.

GRIMM: But in this case, I mean, he's stealing $300 apparently from the woman and just such depravity.

VAN SUSTEREN: But he's so money-motivated. I mean, that was the whole thing to set -up with the FBI. He said he was trying to get money out of Beth Holloway. He will do anything for money.

GRIMM: It was $300 he was trying -

WILLIAMS: Yes - you know, and robbery they now believe is one of the reasons that he had this poor woman in his room. I can tell you what -- I'm listening to -- I heard the general who was in charge of the investigation say, well he has - he tells us he has information on Natalee, another manipulation. This guy is selling wolf tickets. I hope nobody buys them.

VAN SUSTEREN: Everyone is always looking for corroboration. He tells a different story and you go out and you get the story. We've gone out to get the story a number of occasions and we take the story and then we try to go out and corroborate. See if there's any truth and we always are looking forensics, always looking for a body.

WILLIAMS: What he is doing? He tells you what you want to hear. He's a good --

VAN SUSTEREN: No, he doesn't tell you what you want to hear. He is trying to hustle. He's always on the hustle.

WILLIAMS: I have to agree.

VAN SUSTEREN: I mean - you know, the thing that bothers me is now looking back, as you know, I think of his parents who stood by him and he's -- the way he has deceived them.

GRIMM: You met him, what was he like?

VAN SUSTEREN: Who? Joran or the father or the mother? I met them all.

GRIMM: Joran.

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm telling you that Joran, I mean, he's like, look - this is the bizarre thing about him is that you could have, quote, actually parenthesis or a normal person, but this is a young man who can have a normal conversation and apparently goes into another room and commits murder.

HAMMER: I think he's a sociopath.

VAN SUSTEREN: He's also a true murderer.

HAMMER: He has the cool perfect face and then when he needs to or when something kicks him off that rage kicks in and the details we've heard about the murder about this is vicious beating. That's the kind of -


VAN SUSTEREN: (Inaudible) another time discussed that -- we'll hear a lot more on this one, anyway, panel, thank you.

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