
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," October 30, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JAMIE COLBY, FOX NEWS GUEST HOST: Greta's taking you to the heart of Islamabad, Pakistan. She went there originally to interview Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but then she met up with Fox's Scott Heidler along the way.


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Scott, how long have you lived here?

SCOTT HEIDLER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: This time, 18 months. We just crossed over a year and a half last week, actually.

VAN SUSTEREN: And what's your day like?

HEIDLER: The day is -- it's very interesting, because with the time change to the United States, 10 hours, I really don't even start to work technically until 5:00, 6:00 at night, which is kind of nice.

When things are a little bit slow, I get a nice day where I can enjoy and explore Islamabad. And it's a pretty place. It's become much more dangerous, but there are mountains you can hike in. So during the day it's nice. But I'm normally working into the wee hours of the morning.

VAN SUSTEREN: You've got the lone journalist who either has very bad luck or who is strategically targeted or whatever. I don't feel particularly safe for someone coming here alone either as a journalist.

HEIDLER: Definitely not. And that's the -- and there's a distinct but fairly small journalist community here, international journalist community here. And we're tight.

Yes, we're competitive, but we're tight, because, like you said, citing the Daniel Pearl situation, if any journalist based here now says that there is -- that that isn't at the back of their head, Daniel Pearl's case is not in the back of their head, they're lying to you, because when you think of ho w horrific that was, there's no way you can get it out of your minds.

So one thing we do to help each other, the journalists here, we talk to each other. We talk about security threats. If I've heard something that maybe a colleague at another network hasn't heard of, I make sure that they know exactly what I know when it comes to security.

VAN SUSTEREN: What about A.Q. Khan? He's "the godfather of the nuclear bomb" in this country.

HEIDLER: About a mile and a half that way.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's he doing?

HEIDLER: He was under house arrest for several years, but that was just lifted, I 'd say, maybe two months ago. He's not under house arrest but he can't talk to the media, and I don't think he's traveled anyplace since.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is he a hero, though?

HEIDLER: A lot of Pakistanis think he's a hero, because when you look at Pakistan's position in the region, who they view to be their primary enemy, India, to most Pakistanis he's viewed as a hero because he gave them the nuclear bomb deterring India from squashing its smaller neighbor.

That's really boiling it down, but that's why they view him as a hero, because he gave Pakistan the bomb that a lot of people think they needed to prevent the bigger regional rival from squashing them.

VAN SUSTEREN: What about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton being here? Now that she's almost finished with her three- day tour here, has that helped or hurt, or is it indifferent in terms of the relationship between the United States or the viewpoint of the Pakistanis vis-a-vis the Americans?

HEIDLER: Early reading, and again, since she's still here, it's difficult to get a full picture, but early reading, I think it's helped, quite frankly, because the dialogue she's had with students, with journalists --

VAN SUSTEREN: She's taken them on.

HEIDLER: She's definitely taken them on, and she's not giving the kind of boiler plate answer that I think a lot of the media had been getting from the U.S. government, because, you know, they were probably concerned about misinterpretation or further misinterpretation of what the goals of the United States are in Pakistan.

So the secretary of state coming here, she has the authority to say -- paint it in whatever way she wants to paint it. And I think that they, at least in a couple of the interactions with students and journalists, that they really believe that she was speaking from the heart.

And they kept saying it. I think inappropriately they phrased it as "charm." But I think what they were trying to say a little bit is sincerity, that she's actually here addressing these issues that have been so concerning to them.


COLBY: Pakistan, just one stop on Greta's t rip. Here's a video Greta sent before boarding her next flight.


VAN SUSTEREN: We are still in Pakistan. Our next stop, of course, is Berlin, where we will meet up with President Bush 41 and have an interview with him.

But before we leave Pakistan, I wanted to tell you a little bit about Islamabad. It may be far from the war front, but it is abundantly clear, this city knows that this country is hosting a war. You can travel absolutely nowhere that you don't hit a checkpoint, multiple checkpoints.

I suppose the best example is to tell you how something that we just take for granted, going to a hotel, is so vastly different here. When we traveled around Islamabad and returned back to our hotel, the first thing that happens is our car pulls up to a gated area, and about eight or 10 armed men circle the car.

They then start asking questions of us inside the car. They pop the hood. They look under the hood to make sure there's no explosives under the hood. They look under the carriage of the car. They check the back of the car.

And then we proceed to the next checkpoints. We get to the next checkpoint and they check us out. And even after we get out of the car, we have to go through a metal detector like you see at airports in the United States.

And then you go a distance and you head up to the lobby of the hotel and you hit another identical metal detector to see whether or not you're carrying any sort of explosives.

Now, it makes sense for them to be doing this because about 13 months ago at the Marriott hotel here in Islamabad, there was an explosion and more than 50 people were killed. So you feel the sense of urgency, the sense of fear, and you feel at war just trying to maneuver around the city.

Earlier today, Scott Heidler, who works for the FOX News Channel here in Islamabad, took us to a market. And we took a look around the market, and that is also another target for terrorists.

We specifically went when the market wouldn't be crowded. A lot of people were off doing their prayers when we went, because when a market is crowded, that's when terrorists know they can get their biggest bang for their bomb. So that's when these markets are incredibly dangerous.

But we wanted to get a taste of what these markets are like, and so we spent the afternoon looking at the markets.

And of course earlier today we had our interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which we will air "On the Record" on Monday night. She had some strong words h ere in Islamabad for the Pakistanis. A lot of Pakistanis didn't like what they heard from the secretary of state. You'll hear her interview on Monday.

And we are now headed to Berlin to interview President Bush 41.


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