
I don't know about you, but I'm still geeked about the health care bill coming in at just under $900 billion!

Just a few weeks ago healthcare was going cost around $1.5 trillion, but the politicians just got out the scissors and went to work. Cut, cut, cut — like they always do. There's no need to stop and ask: "Umm, where did that money go?" Because you can trust politicians. There's no chance you might find out that a quarter trillion of it was just moved elsewhere to be a "separate contribution to the deficit."

Like I told you last night, the White House hopes their Enron-esque accounting practices are too complicated and boring for you to talk about. But maybe they aren't after all — because the $247 billion "doc fix" — which isn't a "doc fix," it's a $247 billion "doctor bribe" to get the doctors to shut their mouth — it was defeated in the Senate.

It's all a big political shell game. They don't care about the cost of this bill; they just want to pass it. They don't care that The United States is on the brink of losing its triple-A rating — that's not according to crazy Glenn Beck, that's according to Moody's this morning. They say it will happen in the next three to four years if we don't reduce the deficit.

They are risking our future and our children's future so the politicians can say "health care for all!" They'll cheer that "victory" even though 17 to 34 million people will still be left uninsured under the new plans. Oh and by the way, the majority of Americans — 51 percent — don't want it. Only 35 percent do. They don't care because you don't help them get elected.

It's time to ask: Will you continue to put up with the same old politicians who care so much about their seat and their power and their titles that they will sell you and your children out in order to do special favors for their cronies with your checkbook or is it time to think out of the box? And try something — oh, I don't know — different than Charlie Rangel or Barney Frank or Arlen Specter or Chris Dodd?

How can we expect anything to change if we keep the same old faces around?

But Glenn! Barack Obama is too slick! You can't out candidate Barack Obama! Good family; likeable; smart; smooth; calm — what was it Joe Biden said? Clean.

Obama is such the ultimate candidate that he shut the Clinton political machine down and got out of Chicago as a reformer.

Let me give you a little, well, hope for some real change.

A CNN poll from Tuesday shows that for the first time, more people disagree with Obama on the issues that matter most to them: 51-48 percent.

Why does that matter?

I think it shows you still know what's real. No matter what this media is telling you, you look past the image. But the politicians still don't seem to get it. Lindsey Graham said the GOP needs to "reach out to different constituencies or face extinction." What's left? Bear cubs in decaying zoos? Who else are you going to reach out besides real people?


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-S.C.: We're not going to be the party of angry white guys. We're going to be a party of center-right politics.


Yes, Sen. Graham, that's true. But the problem isn't us angry white guys, it's you Obama-lite guys. It's not even that, it's you corrupt politicians that have been there too long.

Let me ask you this: Is anyone drinking Diet Coke because it's their favorite-tasting soda? Come on! They drink it because they don't want to be a big fat fatty. The first time you tasted Diet Coke it was horrible, right? But, slowly, you become accustomed to it.

Well, I'm here to tell you that Coke is it — look for the real thing!

Sorry, Senator Graham. I know you want to expand the GOP and reach out, but who are you reaching to? People who believe, like you do, that amnesty is for all illegal aliens? People who want more Marxist social justice cap-and-trade programs? People who want wise Latinas that can make better judgments than old white guys in court?

Senator "I investigate sports more than health care" Specter? Tim "cap-and-trade" Pawlenty? John "my political idol is a giant progressive" McCain?

That's fantastic, but sounds like the Democrats.

Maybe it's because I'm a recovering alcoholic that I can say this, but I never understood the point of spritzers? If I'm going to drink alcohol, I want a buzz. And who can get you more buzzed than the party that just said: Medical dope for everybody!

Who does expanding the GOP into a bunch of progressives help, exactly, Lindsey? It certainly doesn't help small business owners like me. It doesn't help the working stiff who is getting bombarded with taxes and regulations. It certainly doesn't help the inner cities, believe me, I was just in Harlem today, and it isn't helping there either

There's only one group that big government helps and that's big government. That's it. So thanks for the invite, Lindsey, thanks for the gumball Mickey and thanks for the hope and change Barack — but I think I'll stick with the angry people over here.

See, America did want change and that's why their angry. Because the change they wanted was from the power-seeking politicians. America is tired of the game. The Lindsey Grahams of the world are so clueless, they'll be in for the shock of their lives when you bail on typical politicians. They have no idea what's coming — they don't get it.

I was driving the other day here in New York and I saw this building and said that's our next president.

See, glass skyscrapers are like our politicians: We can't see in, but they can see out. They are like Barack Obama: There is nothing out of place; it looks perfect.

And that will be our next election — these are your two candidates: one perfect and one that's a little flawed.

It doesn't matter anymore; we don't care about the imperfections. We want something we can see into.

What the media and the politicians fail to understand about us "angry" people is that we're not just angry about universal health care and bailouts and government takeovers and cap-and-trade and leaving the troops hanging in Iraq — those are all bad — but that's not really the problem.

See, it's not the car, it's the drivers. It's the ones that have taken this great system that our Founders created and have been driving us to Hell. Our Founders would be mortified. How is our debt increasing? How are we spending when we can afford it?

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel