
This is a rush transcript from "Your World With Neil Cavuto," September 7, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


MICHAEL MOORE, DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKER: This is Michael Moore. I am here to make a citizen's arrest of the board of executives of AIG.

We're actually here to make a citizen's arrest.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Speak to my supervisor.

MOORE: In white shirt?


MOORE: Blue tie?


MOORE: Receding hairline?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There has got to be some kind of a rebellion between the people that have nothing and the people that have got it all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody was being handled by the treasury secretary from Goldman Sachs. They had Congress right where they wanted them.


BRIAN SULLIVAN, GUEST HOST: Michael Moore's brand-new movie, premiering yesterday, it is a country clear attack on the American economic system of capitalism.

Ironically, Moore is bashing the same capitalistic system that helped make his movies more than $170 million and make him a very wealthy guy. But I digress.

Two years ago, his "Sicko" film pushed health care reform. Should our free markets be worried they're next?

Here now, former GOP presidential candidate Tom Tancredo.

Tom, welcome to "Your World." It's Brian Sullivan.

Thanks for joining us.


SULLIVAN: Michael Moore, it seems to me — and he — he said this in Venice, I believe — capitalism is evil. Or that is the end of the movie.

I mean, he is striking right at the heart of what made America America.

TANCREDO: Yes. And I am surprised, in a way, that this has come out from him before. It has in other ways in other movies. You're right, attacking the health care system.

But this is Michael Moore. This is what he believes in. It's not only Michael Moore, of course. It's the president of the United States. I believe he looks at it exactly the same way. That's the scary part.

Michael Moore is just an appendage. He's just a sycophant for this administration. And, frankly, I'm more worried about people in the administration who feel the same way. I think, when the president of the United States sees this particular movie ,he is going to love it.

And that was — is — that worries me a heck of lot more than what this goofball thinks.

SULLIVAN: And one of the taglines of the film is something like love, passion, and 14,000 jobs lost every day.

Do you think that Mr. Moore — and I have not seen the movie. I mean, it just came out. I will check it out.

TANCREDO: I haven't either.

SULLIVAN: But you do think that Mr. Moore understands that, in order to lose 14,000 jobs, which is tough — and nobody should lose their job — that we have had to have created 14,000 jobs a day in the first place? There had to have been those jobs before those jobs could be lost?

Who does he think is going to create the jobs?

TANCREDO: The government.

I used to go to the old Soviet Union. My wife taught Russian for years for — in — in the public schools here in Colorado. We used to take our kids over the old Soviet Union all the time, because it would — we wanted them to see what he thinks is good. We wanted them to see communism in action, the antithesis of capitalism. We wanted them to see what it was like to be in a country where the most famous little catchphrase was, they — they promised to pay us, and we promised to work, but nobody does either.

And — and when you have to — when — when roofing material, because they had to make so much, they gauged it by how much they made in a period of time, so that it got thinner and thinner to meet the quota. And the same thing with chain-link. It got bigger and bigger, because it was — the quota was in tons.

And all this is idiotic. And nothing was productive. And nobody — you know, the place was falling apart at the seams. And, as a result, they finally could not compete with the United States or with capitalism. They collapsed.

He is too stupid to see that. But I'm telling you again, what worries me is that he is just kind of a goofball. Everybody knows that he is a freaky guy. What I'm concerned about is, how many people in this...

SULLIVAN: It takes millions of dollars to make a movie, right?

TANCREDO: Sure. Sure.


SULLIVAN: And he's making a lot of money on these movies.

TANCREDO: And what does he do with it?

SULLIVAN: Is he giving it all away? Is he giving every dime of profit away?

TANCREDO: Hey, Michael, Michael, look at — look at me. To each according to his needs, from each according to their abilities.

Buddy, you have got more money. I need some of it, OK? We had a rough winter here.


TANCREDO: It's been tough. So, spread the wealth a little bit.

Of course he isn't. He is a hypocrite on top of it. But who in this administration feels like he does?

SULLIVAN: He does donate — he does donate a good percentage, but he should...


SULLIVAN: But, if he believes that, he should donate it all.

TANCREDO: That is exactly right. It's to each according to his needs.

And, believe me, there are a lot more people in this country who need it more than he does. I am one. Send me a check.

SULLIVAN: And you know what a great car the Lada was.

Tom Tancredo, thank you very much.

TANCREDO: You bet.

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