
California lawmakers are supporting Santa Monica's attempt to ban corporate jets from the city's airport — including the one used by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

A legislative resolution passed Monday asks the Federal Aviation Administration to honor Santa Monica's request.

Bobby Shriver, a Santa Monica city councilman and Schwarzenegger's brother-in-law, said the 5,000-foot (1,525-meter) runway isn't long enough for the jets' safe landings and takeoffs.

Senators approved the resolution on a 21-16 vote without debate. The Assembly passed it last month 73-0.

Schwarzenegger uses the airport to commute to and from the state capital almost daily. He can't veto the resolution because it does not have the force of law.

Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said the governor will not take a position on Santa Monica's request but says he will follow the law if the regulations are changed.

FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said the city is bound by federal law to keep its runways open to the types of planes landing there now. "It's the FAA's position that Santa Monica lacks the authority to ban any aircraft at the airport," he said.