
This is a rush transcript from "America's Election HQ," July 15, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HEATHER NAUERT, CO-HOST: So who wants to be friends with somebody on death row? There aren't a lot of people out there who want to be good pals with convicted murderers. Gee, that's a big surprise.

But convicts like Scott Peterson and Richard Allen Davis have had to get creative so they're not so lonely sitting on death row.

FOX's Douglas Kennedy has more on what these guys have been up to lately. Douglas?

Video: Watch Douglas Kennedy's interview

DOUGLAS KENNEDY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, these guys are behind bars but that hasn't stopped the convicted killers from trying to communicate with the outside world.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We, the jury, in the above-entitled cause, find the defendant, Scott Lee Peterson, guilty.

KENNEDY (voice over): They were convicted in criminal courts, but they're still trying to sway the court of public opinion, and they're using modern technology to do it.

WENDY MURPHY, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, a lot of victims have said that this is really very painful for them to watch this stuff and to feel the salt rubbed in their wounds.

KENNEDY: Convicted killers with their own home pages on the Internet to proclaim their innocence, start relationships and even solicit funds. Victims' advocate, Wendy Murphy calls it a disturbing trend.

MURPHY: There is no constitutional right to solicit money, falsely proclaim your innocence. You know, where does this end?

KENNEDY: Scott Peterson talks about his wrongful conviction and posts pictures of him embracing his wife Laci even though he was found guilty in her murder.

RICHARD ALLEN DAVIS, CONVICT: Just don't do me like my dad.

KENNEDY: Richard Allen Davis, who abducted and killed 12-year-old Polly Klaas asks his site's visitors to learn about who he really is. And serial killer Charles Ng offers to sell his wildlife drawings.

Various state and federal laws that prohibit imprisoned killers from setting up sites on the Internet. But many find their ways around the statutes.

MURPHY: They are sending snail mail - letters to people and asking those on the outside to do it for them.

KENNEDY: Indeed, serial killer Randy Kraft who murdered 16 young men in California says his Web page was set up by his supporters, but boasts that he approved all the materials personally.

California's American Civil Liberties Union defends the practice calling it freedom of speech.

MURPHY: The funny part about calling this freedom of speech is that it assumes these are men with constitutional freedoms. Hello! They've already been locked up. They lost their ultimate form of liberty when they were convicted.


KENNEDY: Recently, Florida and Michigan adopted rules barring inmates from soliciting pen pals on the Internet, Heather.

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