
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," June 16, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: There's breaking news tonight in the double murder of two young girls in Oklahoma. Police have now released a picture -- or actually, a sketch of this person of interest. Taylor Placker and Skyla Whitaker were shot in the head and chest while taking a walk Sunday, June 8, in the small town of Weleetka, Oklahoma. Police say that this man was scene standing near the crime scene around the time the murders took place. Who is this man?

Joining us live from Tulsa is Manny Gamallo, reporter for the Tulsa World. Manny, what can you tell me about who is the source of this sketch, who gave the information?

MANNY GAMALLO, TULSA WORLD: Police are not identifying the person who gave them this information for the artist's drawing of that at all. What the -- this person was spotted in that area, and they were standing around the area of the murder, close to the pick-up truck that this fellow was driving --described as possibly a Native American, six feet tall, medium, slender built, middle 30's of age, driving a white Ford or a Chevrolet pickup truck.

Watch Greta's interview and the crime scene tour

One distinguishing thing about him, he had long hair. They also said he had a ponytail stretching down to the middle of his back. And they received--


GAMALLO: And they've received tips from all over the country so far on just this artist's drawing since it was released on Friday.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, there was some suggestion that there might be two gunmen because there were two different type weapons used to execute both these girls--and I use the term "execute" because this truly was an execution of the cruelest kind.

Are they satisfied that the person who gave the information that led up to the sketch has absolutely no involvement in the horrible deaths of these two?

GAMALLO: Yes, they do. So far, all their witnesses that they have are very credible and aren't involved at all. The person that they are looking for in the drawing was seen in the area about a few minutes before the girls were murdered.

Authorities aren't really saying how they know this, but they do know what time the girls were murdered. They left Taylor's home at 5:00 in the afternoon, walked a-half-a-mile northward to a bridge, over a creek, and they were walking back to Taylor's home. Their bodies were found at 5:30, about 30 minutes after they left home.

VAN SUSTEREN: And the bodies were found by the grandfather of one of them, right Manny?

GAMALLO: Yes. It was Taylor's grandfather who found the bodies about roughly 2 1/2 football fields in length away from Taylor's home, on the same side of the road as Taylor's home.

VAN SUSTEREN: Manny, thank you. And we put up the sketch. If anybody knows anything, this is the time to call. The police really need help and want help. These two girls deserve justice, because the unthinkable has been done.

Anyway, thank you, Manny.

GAMALLO: Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: "On the Record" producer Kim Rittberg went to the scene of the crime with Special Agent Ben W. Rosser of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. No one else can show you this and no one else will. It was the lead investigator's first trip back to the scene since the double murders occurred.


RITTBERG: And so from your understanding, at 4:30 they left the Plackers' house?

ROSSER: The left somewhere around 4:30, maybe a little after in the afternoon, walked across this road here. And they walked down here to about a couple hundred yards, maybe 300 yards. That's where Mr. Placker found the girls later this afternoon.

RITTBERG: What kind of traffic does this street get?

ROSSER: If you turn back east, you go about two miles to a little community of Bryant. And this is a major--a good connector road between this community of Bryant and Weleetka. So, yes, quite a bit of traffic here. Again, I don't know how heavy it is, but there's quite a bit of traffic.

What we believe is sometime around 4:30 or thereafter, the girls left their house, and whether they actually made it to the bridge, we feel like they did. And then we can tell you that the father, Mr. Placker, found the girls sometime around 5:25, less than an hour they were last seen at the house, walking this way.

So Mr. Placker walked down toward the bridge here, which is another 400 to 500 yards, came across the two girls and they were down here in the ditch. They were shot to death.

RITTBERG: So I see now, obviously, we see a lot of flowers, a makeshift memorial. When you got here, what was the scene like?

ROSSER: Taylor was here in the ditch. Skyla was just beyond her. We call these bar ditches.

RITTBERG: And so their bodies were, what, next to each other?

ROSSER: Well, they were close to each other.

RITTBERG: And I know that you reported it as multiple gunshots to the head and chest, right ?


RITTBERG: And what evidence w as found near the bodies?

ROSSER: Well, I can't disclose that at this time.

RITTBERG: All the evidence that was taken from the crime scene is pretty much from this dirt road onto the ditch where they were found?

ROSSER: Yes. Now north and south of this area, as you can see. There's tire impressions. Anything that was distinguishable the might be used for identification, they went ahead and photographed and documented the tire prints.

There was some shoe prints found in the dirt around here. They went ahead and documented those.

RITTBERG: We're driving on this dirt road. It's quite hard to find. It is very much off the beaten track. Is that why police are assuming it was someone local, because they knew how to get in and out?

ROSSER: Yes. And, if you'll notice, the area is partially populated. Most of this is agricultural or heavily wooded. So for someone to come off the Interstate or something like that, a transient or somebody just passing through, if they got down here it would be hard to find their way out.

RITTBERG: How many leads would you say have been coming in since the word has gotten out about the investigation?

ROSSER: I don't know. Just guessing, we probably had several hundred--between 200 and 300 or so, probably.

I guess you could look at the progress involved in collecting these leads and following them out is like panning for gold. The old miners used to sift so much soil and everything to come up with that one nugget, and that's what we're doing. We're trying to look for that one nugget or that one piece of the puzzle that will put it all together for us.

RITTBERG: Do you feel confident that among all these leads something is going to come in.

ROSSER: We'll know who it is. We'll identify the guy. It may take a little while but we'll know who it is.


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