
A Texas high school sophomore is suing his school district after he was booted from campus for wearing a John Edwards for 2008 president T-shirt last year, MyFOXDFW.com reports.

Pete Palmer, a sophomore at Waxahachie High School, wants the right to wear the shirt at school. The suit, filed by the Liberty Legal Institute, also seeks unspecified monetary damages from Waxahachie Independent School District, according to the TV station.

The district violated Palmer's constitutional right to free speech by kicking him out of school for wearing the shirt, according to the institute.

But according to the Waxahachie Independent School District dress code, students can't wear shirts with political slogans.

“T-shirts, other than WISD clubs, organizations, sports, or spirit t-shirts, college or university t-shirts or solid-colored t-shirts, are prohibited," according to the policy.

School officials cite the dress code policy and disagree that it is an attempt to stifle free speech.

“It has nothing to do with trying to stifle anyone's free speech,” Thomas J. Collins, Waxahachie Independent School District superintendent, told MyFOXDFW.com.

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