
This is a rush transcript from "The Big Story With John Gibson and Heather Nauert," December 5, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HEATHER NAUERT, CO-HOST: Now we're on to new details about a big crime tonight. The suspects you're about to see look like the picture-perfect couple right there. He is, get this, an Ivy League graduate, the son of a doctor, and she is the daughter of a prominent plastic surgeon who attends a prominent university.

JOHN GIBSON, CO-HOST: Together they lived the high life on money you would think they had inherited. Instead, police say they robbed their neighbor's blind. "Big Story" correspondent Douglas Kennedy following with the latest.

DOUGLAS KENNEDY, BIG STORY CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, yeah, their love led them to a life of crime and now has gotten them arrested. Police say the jet set scam artists learned how to steal in order to fund their lavish lifestyle.


KENNEDY (voice-over): They hung out in Hawaii, kicked back in the Caribbean, and saw the sights in Paris, all while residing at glitzy resorts and flying first-class. But neither 25-year-old Edward Anderson nor 22-year-old Jocelyn Kirsch has a job. Police say these luxury loving-love birds lived the life by stealing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're like a parasite that infested themselves in the building.

KENNEDY: Their building is this high life high-rise located in the swanky section of Philadelphia, where police say the "Bonnie & Clyde couple" lived, loved and robbed from their neighbors to the tune of $100,000 in the past year.

DETECTIVE TERRY SWEENEY, PHILADELPHIA POLICE DEPT.: We recovered approximately 40 odd different keys and they were numbered. Every number that we checked against an apartment number matched that apartment.

KENNEDY: Police say Anderson and Kirsch come from wealth, both children of well-to-do doctors. He graduated from the Ivy League's University of Pennsylvania. She studied international relations at Drexel University. But recently police say the couple turned their attention to crime, stealing their neighbors' identities and printing fake credit cards which they used to buy designer clothes and expensive jewelry.

JIGI DRISCOLL, NEIGHBOR: Coming back, the locks would be a little bit different, so if I went for a short walk and didn't lock the dead bolt, I would come back and the dead bolt would be locked.

KENNEDY: Also, in their 3,000 a month digs, police discovered computers and this industrial machine to print any name with any identification. They also found two dozen credit cards and $18,000 in cash as well as this book entitled "The Art of Cheating" a nasty little book for tricky little schemers and their hapless victims.

What do you think about your book being in this couple's apartment?


KENNEDY: Jessica Dorfman Jones wrote the paperback guide which publishers Simon & Schuster describes as a manual on how to rip people off.

Now your book is sort of meant to be tongue and cheek.

JONES: Absolutely tongue and cheek, it's a humor book.

KENNEDY: What tips could they have gotten from your book?

JONES: Well, there is a chapter on forgery that might have been relevant for them. But if they read all the way to the end of the chapter, they would have read the section about how it will land you in prison.

KENNEDY: Now you describe the victims as hapless. Do you feel any responsibility as contributing to their haplessness?

JONES: Absolutely not. I have a lot of sympathy.


KENNEDY: The couple was arrested Friday and over an hour ago turned themselves in again to face more charges. And just moments ago, I got off the phone with Lynne Abraham, Philadelphia's district attorney. She says so far they have identified five victims but she says John and Heather, she expects there to be more.

GIBSON: The "love bird bandits", did they really think they were going to get away with it?

KENNEDY: This is a couple that strikes me as living in the moment and not thinking about the consequences. At least they look like they're having fun with that money.

GIBSON: Well they're going to have a lot of time to think about it. Douglas, thanks very much.

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