
The following is a partial transcript from the Aug. 6, 2006, edition of "FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace":

"FOX NEWS SUNDAY" HOST CHRIS WALLACE: For White House reaction, we turn to National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, who is with the president in Crawford, Texas.

Mr. Hadley, you heard the Israeli ambassador just say that a cease-fire resolution, if it's passed this week, does not necessarily mean they're going to stop fighting. You heard the same from the Lebanese official, Mr. Chetah. Where's the cease-fire?

NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER STEPHEN HADLEY: Well, I think we will get a cease-fire. I think what's interesting, if you listen to the comments of the two, everybody really agrees on what the elements of getting this to a resolution is — that is to say, getting conditions in which the violence really can end and we can get a sustainable cease-fire, a sustainable cessation of hostility, so we don't revert back into this crisis.

Everybody agrees on what the elements are. The issue really now is down to sequencing, and what we've got going forward in the Security Council is basically a two-step process, phase one calling for a full cessation of hostilities, which is going to mean that Hezbollah has to stop all attacks and Israel will stop offensive operations.

We hope at that point that the violence can come down. It will not stop overnight. It never does in these situations, but the violence can begin to come down, and then we can move quickly to the second phase.

And the second phase requires the formation of this international force, the use of the UNIFIL force, the U.N. force that is already there, to support the Lebanese army so that it can move south, take control of the areas in southern Lebanon, and that will allow the Israelis to withdraw.

The reason we're doing it in two steps is so we can get some relief from the violence after the first resolution and then move very quickly to getting the international force organized, getting the second resolution adopted, so we can move to the end state that I think if you listen carefully, you heard both in the comments by the Israeli ambassador and the spokesman for the Lebanese government.

WALLACE: Well, I have to tell you, they seemed to indicate until those issues for the so-called second resolution are solved, they're not prepared to stop fighting.

HADLEY: Well, there was a little — I think you heard it in the comments from the Lebanese initially. I think what we're having here is a situation where the resolution is not yet voted in the Security Council.

Negotiations continue. They will continue today. We hope that resolution will be voted late Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. And once that happens, then the parties will have to make a decision.

And I think what you'll hear is both the Lebanese government and the Israeli government making clear that they don't like everything about this first resolution, but I think you'll find in the end of the day they are prepared to accept it as long as we can move quickly toward a second resolution.

And at that point, I think the international community will have spoken, will have called on the parties to comply with the resolution, and I think if one of the parties does not, we will have a good gauge as to who really is in favor of peace.

My concern is really at this point that Hezbollah will not cease its attacks. The Security Council will call on them to do so, and we'll also call on all states with influence with Hezbollah, particularly Iran and Syria, to use that influence to try and see after this first resolution that we can get a cessation of the hostilities and then move promptly to the second resolution and the deployment of the international force.

WALLACE: How quickly do you think you could get that international force in there?

HADLEY: That is the — quite frankly, Chris, that's the long pole in the tent. That's why we've had to do two resolutions.

As you know, we would have preferred one resolution that had all the elements in it, but because it would have required the multi- national force to be ready to deploy, it means we would not have had a resolution for a series of additional days.

And so we agreed to split it really into two steps to try and use the first step to make clear where this is heading and to get a dropping down of the hostilities.

And then we would move, however, very quickly, in a matter of days, we hope, to get the international force formed, to get the second resolution adopted, and so we can move in the direction that really both the Lebanese and the Israelis want this to be moving toward, where Lebanese government authority is exercised throughout the country and the Israelis are able to withdraw from southern Lebanon.

WALLACE: Mr. Hadley, we have about a minute left. You said your biggest concern is will Hezbollah abide by this agreement.

Have you gotten any indication, directly or indirectly, from Hezbollah, from Syria, from Iran that they are prepared, one, to lay down their arms and stop their attacks on Israel and, two, to stop the shipments of weapons from Syria and Iran into Lebanon to Hezbollah?

HADLEY: Where we have been dealing, of course, is with the Lebanese government. It is the Lebanese government and the Israeli government that are going to be called upon to carry out this resolution.

It will be a responsibility of the Lebanese government to bring the various Lebanese parties along. It will be a responsibility of the Lebanese government to ensure that there is not a flow of weapons and armaments from places like Syria into Lebanon to resupply Hezbollah.

These are responsibilities that the Lebanese government will have to undertake, and the international community is prepared to provide every assistance to the Lebanese government so they can do so.

WALLACE: Mr. Hadley, we're going to have to leave it there. We want to thank you so much for sharing your Sunday with us.