
Watch "The Navy's Fighting Seabees," Sunday at 8pm / 11pm ET. Visit the websites below for more information on the warrior-builders of the U.S. Navy's construction battalions.

• Official home of the Seabees

• U.S. Navy's website on the history of the the 133rd Naval Construction Battalion

• Online petition spearheaded by John Ratomski, son of a World War II Seabee, seeking a Presidential Unit Citation for their role in the invasion and securing of Iwo-Jima

To support the 133rd's "cause," either sign the petition at the link above and/or write a letter to:

Attention: Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals (NDBDM)
Department of the Navy
Office of the Secretary
1000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20350-1000

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