
Now we're getting into the war on Christmas season.

The stuff that's going on right now — the city manager in Florida who is putting a nativity scene on public property, the school in Bellevue, Washington, which first changed the name of the Christmas tree and then banned it — these are the kinds of battles I write about in "The War on Christmas."

The point of my book — many of you seem to be confused — is simple: Inclusiveness is a good thing, and be sure to include Christmas at the school or the public park or the library. The season isn't just about the religious traditions of six percent of the country. It's also about the traditions of the 84 percent who self-identify as Christian, who are only asking for tolerance of their traditions.

Now some of you think I should confront some weird or strange or uncomfortable contradictions between the call for more Christmas and signs the people doing the calling are also suppressing it themselves.

Take, for instance, the White House Christmas card which says "Happy Holidays." I'm not president, but if I were I would say "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays." I'd cover everything that way. Bush chose to do different. I would have advised him to keep Christmas in, same as I would have advised Coca-Cola or Target or Sears.

But here's the big one. Evangelical megachurches are shutting down for Christmas day.

The secularists say, "See? They're awfully fast and loose with Christmas for a bunch of people screeching that there's a war on Christmas underway."

I know for some churches, services on Christmas day are very important. Evidently at these megachurches they think they covered it with Christmas Eve services and they want families to be together on actual Christmas day.

Do I find that surprising? No. Do I think it's another example of the war on Christmas? No. Would I insist on church services to complete a proper Christmas day? Not me. I leave the theology and doctrine to others well more qualified. I'm better at what they're doing in the schoolhouse and the city hall and the public library. In those places, the war on Christmas is as plain as the nose on Santa's face.

That's My Word.

Check out my book "The War on Christmas" and write to me about Christmas outrages at waronchristmas@johngibson.com.

Watch John Gibson weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on "The Big Story" and send your comments to: myword@foxnews.com

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