
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren, July 6, 2004 that has been edited for clarity.

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JOHN KERRY, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: As you know, I am determined that we reach out across party lines, that we speak the heart of America, that we speak of hope and of optimism, and John Edwards will join me in doing that.


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: President Bush's brother, Governor Jeb Bush of Florida, says the Kerry-Edwards (search) ticket is the most liberal ticket in town. How will Democrats respond to critics like Governor Bush, who say Kerry-Edwards are way out in left field? Joining in Washington is Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, who ran against both Edwards and Kerry for the presidential nomination. He also was, of course, Vice President Al Gore's running mate in 2000.

I guess, Senator, these two don't really expect to get Governor Bush's vote anyway, do they.

SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN, D-CONN.: I would guess that very few people named Bush will be voting for the Kerry-Edwards ticket, at least not part of the immediate family.

VAN SUSTEREN: How do you reconcile the fact that during the campaign, when you're running for the nomination, there are a few shots across the bow of each other? I mean, you even made a few shots across the bow of Edwards and Kerry, and there's some back and forth between Edwards and Kerry. Now how do you reconcile them? They're going to show up in Republican ads.

LIEBERMAN: Look, this is just human nature. Also, it's part of a healthy debate. When you think about it, within the Democratic contest for president, certainly, among Kerry and Edwards, the differences and the shots back and forth were pretty light, and they agree on a lot more than they disagree on. So it's very comfortable for them to come together as a ticket. I think this ticket works. I think there's good chemistry, and they compliment each other as a team. I think they're going to do well together.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why do you say that? I mean, what makes them compliment each other? They're both in the United States Senate. I mean, geographically, they're from different parts of the country. But what's the compliment?

LIEBERMAN: I think part of it is just plain personalities. I think they're going to strengthen each other. Part of it is life experience. They bring different experiences to the ticket. Look, in one sense, Kerry has more than 20 years of foreign policy experience. Edwards has been involved somewhat in intelligence work and homeland security, but he also has the life experience -- son of a mill worker, first in his family to go to college. You know, what a thrill today to know that he's going to have the opportunity to run for the second highest office in the greatest country in the world.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, I asked former vice president Quayle about the call he got. Do you remember when Vice President Al Gore tapped you? Remember your call?

LIEBERMAN: I do. And if you'll give me a minute, I'm going to tell you what seems tonight to be a particularly appropriate story. The announcement we knew was going to be made early on a Monday morning, August 7, 2000. Sunday night, I received a call from a friend who had just heard from somebody high up in a network -- not this one -- who said that they had had it from absolutely reliable sources within the Gore campaign that it was Edwards.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, The New York Post named Gephardt today. So I mean...

LIEBERMAN: So I went to sleep thinking it was over. I woke up, turned on the TV, I heard that the Associated Press was reporting that Al Gore had selected me. That was at about 7:00 AM.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you heard it from the AP, from a phone call from the media.

LIEBERMAN: I heard it from the TV set. I used my remote as I woke up. Turned to my wife and said, Sweetheart, did you hear that? And she said, What? And I said, They said Al has chosen me. I always tease her and say she said, Why? But she didn't. She said, Wow. I didn't hear from Al Gore until about 12:30, five-and-a-half hours later. But it was pretty clear from...

VAN SUSTEREN: Why didn't you from him? I mean, I guess the big question is why didn't he call you about Dean last December. But I'll leave that one alone.

LIEBERMAN: There's something about phone calls here!

VAN SUSTEREN: He's a little slow on the phone calls.

LIEBERMAN: Yes. But we knew by then that it was definite. In fact, I was told, just as happened today, I'm sure, that a crew -- my staff, my vice presidential team was -- had been waiting at the airport in Nashville, not sure whether they were going to North Carolina or Massachusetts for John Kerry or to New Haven for me.

It was a thrilling day. I remember when I walked out of the house that day, the house in New Haven was surrounded by satellite TV trucks, and folks asked me how I felt. And without thinking about it, I just blurted out, Miracles happen, because I felt just the way I'm sure John Edwards does today, just thrilled to have the opportunity, grateful to be an American in a country where this can happen.

VAN SUSTEREN: It's always fun to watch a presidential race. Nice see you, Senator.

LIEBERMAN: Good to see you, Greta.

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