
When she testifies publicly before the Sept. 11 commission, Condoleezza Rice (search) will be making an election-year defense of the Bush's administration's anti-terrorism policy prior to the 2001 attacks.

"We want to understand the nature of the decision-making in the highest levels of government," commission chairman Thomas Kean said after the White House reversed course Tuesday and agreed to let Rice, who is Bush's national security adviser, testify publicly.

Rice reversal: right or wrong?

A sample of your responses:

Do you think Condi Rice will get to say anything in between all the grandstanding by the commission.
Only 5 of the 10 commission leaders attended her private interview.
Alvin B.

How much you wanna bet the Democrats try sandbag Dr. Rice by asking questions they know she is not free to answer, then accuse her of hiding something?
Rick M.
Amherst, NY

Now that the Democrats have made the commission political. All elected officials should have to testify in public about everything all the time under oath and should be held accountable for their actions and statements. NO excuses, NO exceptions...

Condi should not appear. Typical power play by the commission to make the president submit to their will. They could care less about the public.
John C.
Fredericksburg, TX

I do not think Dr. Rice should have been allowed to "testify". I seems to me that this whole charade is just to conjure up something to go after by the Democratic/socialists in Congress.(all at the taxpayers expense!)
K Martin
Columbiana, OH

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