
Join us Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET as we bring you FOX News Live.

We want to hear from you... e-mail us at foxfeedback@foxnews.com and the hosts will be taking your calls live at: 1-888-TELL-FOX.

You'll get all the day's breaking news, plus:

• Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del.
• Officer Larry Kamholz, public information officer
• Matthew Rogers, second eliminated "American Idol" finalist
• Neil Livingston, terrorism analyst and CEO of Global Option
• Don Fowler, former Democratic National Committee chair
• Ed Rogers, former aide to President George H.W. Bush and Republican strategist
• Dennis Prager, nationally syndicated radio talk show host
• Kimberly Locke, former "American Idol" contestant
• Sen. Alfonse D'amato, former New York senator, FNC contributor
• Yeardley Smith, actress

NOTE: Topics and guests are subject to change.