
Spider-Mania, Matt Dillon and Woody Allen in the weekend movie glow of The Foxlight.

Oh what a web we weave. That and all the Web site jokes you can "spin" should inundate us over the next 48 hours as the first real blockbuster of the year opens. This is Spider-Man, and it really swings according to just about every critic out there. Tobey Maguire wasn't everyone's first choice. But he's something new in comic books turned movies — a real actor. And does the boy get the girl, in this case Kirsten Dunst? Can't tell you, but we can tell you there will be at least two more sequels. And Tobey is on board.

We can only hope there will be no sequels to Deuces Wild. Most reviewers were anything but wild about this gang related crime of a movie. Remember when Matt Dillon was in good movies?

Finally, remember when Woody Allen made funny movies? A few critics think those days are back. But Hollywood Endings has just one joke — Woody's a blind director — and to call it strained is a compliment. The other thing that must have strained? A very pregnant Tea Leoni during our interview.

McCuddy: We need a wide shot!

Leoni: Ha! Hey!?

And that's the always pregnant pause we roll out every day in the warm keep pushing glow of The Foxlight.