
This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, September 4, 2001.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: What's this? A big new chip and it's not from Intel or AMD, it's from Motorola? The chief technology officer there, Dennis Roberson, joins us right now.

Dennis, what's the big deal here?

DENNIS ROBERSON, CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER, MOTOROLA: Well, the big deal is it's more than just a chip. It's actually a whole new way of generating semiconductors starting from the ground up.

CAVUTO: All right. Bottom line, though, for most people, it means that cell phones — for example, a common usage for these things — would be much cheaper, right?

ROBERSON: Well, cell phones would be much cheaper, but it doesn't end there. One of the big items in the world of chips these days is moving into opto-electronics and the ability to communicate at light speed, and that's the real big deal here: the ability to add a great deal of performance to the chip and add the capability for chips to communicate with one another using light.

CAVUTO: So will this go beyond just — what other items would benefit from this?

ROBERSON: Well, there are a whole range of items.


ROBERSON: This gives the opportunity for the fiber to the home, the connection of the home to the Internet at light speed, something we've all looked forward to. It gives us the opportunity to have anti-collision radar that our automobiles would like to see. It allows for the reduction in the price of many, many items, from medical lasers to displays that you see on many devices to automotive electronics.

CAVUTO: When do we see it, Dennis?

ROBERSON: Ah, we will be seeing it starting next year and really evolving through 2003. So this is not an item for today, but it's the promise for a brighter future.

CAVUTO: All right, Dennis Roberson, thank you very much, the chief technology officer over at Motorola.

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