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    10 Carbs To Help You Lose Weight

    Carbohydrates are back! “The CarbLovers Diet: Eat What You Love, Get Slim for Life!” by Ellen Kunes and Frances Largeman-Roth, RD says carbs are the best way to lose weight and keep it off

  • Resistant Starch
    Resistant starch, a carbohydrate that resists digestion, is the key to losing weight. Research shows that eating more of these carbohydrates helps you: • Eat less • Burn more calories • Feel more energized and less stressed • Steady blood sugar levels
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    The CarbLovers Diet/Oxmoor House
  • Go Bananas
    Bananas are your richest source of resistant starch, with ripe ones offering 4.7 grams of the fat flusher and less-ripe (slightly green) bananas containing a whopping 12.5 grams.  They are also rich in appetite-suppressing fiber (three grams per one medium banana) and contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted into the calming brain chemical serotonin to relax and improve your mood. Drink a banana shake, made with ice, banana, milk and 2 teaspoons of honey.
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  • Eat Less With Oats
    Oatmeal for breakfast might help you eat less all day. In a series of experiments, researchers in Italy replaced the flour in bread and pasta with oats.  They found that even when these foods had identical calorie counts, oat eaters consumed fewer calories over the course of the day. Click here for a Banana Nut Oatmeal recipe
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  • Let Beans Be Your Best Friend
    Nearly half of the starch in beans comes from resistant starch, making them a powerful weight-loss ally. Beans and legumes are also an incredibly rich source of fiber, providing 15 grams per cup.  It’s no wonder that a Canadian study of 1,475 men and women found that those who consumed beans regularly tended to weigh less and have a smaller waist circumference than those who did not eat them. They were also 23 percent less likely to become overweight over time. Click here for a Black Bean & Zucchini Quesadilla recipe
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  • This Spuds For You
    In addition to fiber and resistant starch, potatoes are a natural source of proteinase inhibitor, a natural chemical that boosts satiety hormones and curbs appetite.  Potatoes are also incredibly filling and - at 300 calories for a large, baked spud - great for weight loss. Mix it up by interspersing sweet potatoes or yams.
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  • Keep Polenta in Your Pantry
    The soft, creamy grain is made of cooked cornmeal. Naturally high in resistant starch, polenta is also rich in fiber and contains a decent amount of protein, too. And it’s versatile. It can be cooked into a creamy consistency or baked into crunchy sticks. In fact, you can even use it instead of white bread to make croutons. Click here for a recipe for Polenta Fritters
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    The CarbLovers Diet/Oxmoor House
  • Have a Turkey on Rye
    Bread made from rye, pumpernickel or sourdough is rich in resistant starch and fiber. One Swedish study found that rye bread decreased hunger more than whole-wheat bread.
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  • Opt for Brown Rice
    Brown rice may cook more slowly than its refined white cousins, but it digests more slowly, too. One study found that blood sugar levels were 24 percent lower in people who consumed brown rice, compared with participants in a control group.  Another study found that eating a black and brown rice mix is healthier than eating white rice; it resulted in a greater reduction in weight, body mass index and body fat.
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    The CarbLovers Diet/Oxmoor House
  • Eat Super Grains Like Barley
    In addition to 1.9 grams of resistant starch per half cup, barley is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, which reduces appetite and keeps you regular.  In one University of Minnesota study, participants reported significantly less hunger before lunch after they consumed a barley snack, compared with participants who consumed a snack made of refined rice. Click here for a Barley Risotto Primavera recipe
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  • Quick Doesn’t Have to Mean Unhealthy
    Yes, potato chips. Not only do they have resistant starch (one ounce has 1 gram of resistant starch), but it’s important to never deprive yourself when you are trying to lose weight.  If often leads to bingeing in the end. So have a glass of wine, a piece of chocolate or potato chips. They can satisfy your need for crunch, while giving you some fiber. We prefer the baked kind!
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  • The CarbLovers Diet
    For more ways to lose weight by eating carbs pick up “The CarbLovers Diet: Eat what you love, get slim for life!” by Ellen Kunes and Frances Largeman-Roth, RD or check out their website.
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    The CarbLovers Diet/Oxmoor House
  • Published
    11 Images

    10 Carbs To Help You Lose Weight

    Carbohydrates are back! “The CarbLovers Diet: Eat What You Love, Get Slim for Life!” by Ellen Kunes and Frances Largeman-Roth, RD says carbs are the best way to lose weight and keep it off

Move Forward
  • 10 Carbs To Help You Lose Weight
  • Resistant Starch
  • Go Bananas
  • Eat Less With Oats
  • Let Beans Be Your Best Friend
  • This Spuds For You
  • Keep Polenta in Your Pantry
  • Have a Turkey on Rye
  • Opt for Brown Rice
  • Eat Super Grains Like Barley
  • Quick Doesn’t Have to Mean Unhealthy
  • The CarbLovers Diet