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    14 of the world's deadliest animals

    You don't want to cross paths with these creatures. Here are some of the world's deadliest animals.

  • Great White Shark
    Boats, humans, fish; nothing and no one is safe from the great white shark.
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  • Mosquito
    An itchy bite isn't the only thing a mosquito can cause you; the pesky insects also easily transfer dangerous diseases that result in millions of deaths every year. For example, the Aedes aegypti mosquito pictured here, is one type of mosquito capable of infecting people with dengue fever.
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  • Polar Bear
    Don't be fooled by the cute and fluffy polar bear cub; not many stand a chance against these massive carnivores.
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  • Boomslang Snake
    The boomslang snake is a large snake with a highly potent venom that is extremely harmful to humans. Their venom contains hemotoxin which stops blood from clotting causing it's victims to eventually bleed out. The snake pictured here is swallong a bird whole.
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  • Stonefish
    The stonefish's body is designed to camouflage itself against natural predators. It is able to camoflauge itself so well that swimmers may not notice them and step on them causing them to sting the unfortunate swimmer with a deadly venom.
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  • Brazilian Wandering Spider
    The Brazilian wandering spider may be small (its only five inches across) it was named the worlds most venomous spider by the Guinness World Records in 2010. The highly aggressive spider is also called the Banana spider because it is often found in bunches of the fruit. Their fondness for hiding in bananas sometimes means an unlucky customer picks one up at the supermarket. In 2009, the Brazilian spider was found at a Whole Foods in Oklahoma.
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    National Geographic/Youtube
  • Blue-ringed octopus
    Don't be drawn in by the captivating colors and graceful movements of the blue-ringed octopus. While this sea creature might be small and beautiful, it is also deadly. One bite from the octopus will result in complete paralysis and death of an adult human in minutes.
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    Frank Lame/Youtube
  • Carpet Viper
    The Carpet Viper (Echis carniatus) bites and kills more people than any other snake species. Often found lurking under loose rocks, the nocturnal creatures generally attack at night.
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  • Saltwater Crocodile
    One of the world's most dangerous creatures is the saltwater crocodile. The Earth's largest reptile can reach up to 23 feet long and weigh in at more than 2,000 pounds. Watch out because these predators will eat anything they can get their hands on from wild boars to humans and even sharks.
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    National Geographic/Youtube
  • African Buffalo
    Even lions are scared of the African buffalo. Often called "The Black Death" or "widowmaker", the African buffalo kills over 200 people every year.
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    National Geographic/Youtube
  • Poison Dart Frog
    While the elaborate designs and bright colors of the poison dart frog may attract the eyes of humans, it is meant to scare away potential predators. Not all varieties of this frog are deadly, but do not touch! The poison is found on the skin of the animal.
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  • Pufferfish
    Almost all pufferfish contain the poison tetrodotoxin which is up to 1,200 times more dangerous to humans than cyanide. A single pufferfish contains enough poison to kill 30 adult humans and there is no known antidote.
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  • Cone Snail
    Don't be fooled by the colorful shell and small size of this underwater creature, one drop of venom from the cone snail is enough to kill a person. It is nicknamed the cigarette snail, because once bitten, a person will have enough time to smoke one cigarette before dying.
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    National Geographic/Youtube
  • Box Jellyfish
    The box jellyfish uses its powerful venom to kill its prey like fish and shrimp. However, their venom contains toxins that attack the heath and nervous system and can cause overpowering pain to its human victims. Humans who are stung by the box jellyfish will often go into shock or die of heart failure. Those who survive the attack will be in immense amounts of pains with severe burns at the site of the sting. Each tentacle has approximately 5,000 stinging cells.
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  • Published
    14 Images

    14 of the world's deadliest animals

    You don't want to cross paths with these creatures. Here are some of the world's deadliest animals.

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  • 14 of the world's deadliest animals
  • Great White Shark
  • Mosquito
  • Polar Bear
  • Boomslang Snake
  • Stonefish
  • Brazilian Wandering Spider
  • Blue-ringed octopus
  • Carpet Viper
  • Saltwater Crocodile
  • African Buffalo
  • Poison Dart Frog
  • Pufferfish
  • Cone Snail
  • Box Jellyfish