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    How the Bloom Box Works

    Silicon Valley startup Bloom Energy just unveiled its new, heavily hyped technology, which harnesses chemical reactions to create energy. Here's how it works

  • Bloom Energy logo
    Bloom Energy's invention converts air and nearly any fuel source -- ranging from natural gas to a wide range of biogases -- into electricity via a clean electrochemical process, rather than dirty combustion. Even running on a fossil fuel, the systems are approximately 67% cleaner than a typical coal-fired power plant, explains the company. 
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    Nicki Dugan/Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works
    A fuel cell is like a battery that always runs. It consists of three parts: an electrolyte, an anode, and a cathode. For a solid-oxide fuel cell, the electrolyte is a solid ceramic material.
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    Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_2
    The anode and cathode are made from special "inks" that coat the electrolyte. Unlike other types of fuel cells, no precious metals, corrosive acids, or molten materials are required.
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    Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_3
    In a fuel cell, an electrochemical reaction converts fuel and air into electricity, without combustion.
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    Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_4
    A solid oxide fuel cell is a high-temperature fuel cell. At high temperatures, warmed air enters the cathode side of the fuel cell....
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    Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_5
    ... and steam mixes with fuel to produce reformed fuel, which enters on the fuel cell's anode side.
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    Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_6
    As the reformed fuel crosses the anode, it attract oxygen ions up from the cathode (see here as light blue circles). 
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    Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_7
    Those oxygen ions combine with the reformed fuel to produce electricity, water, and a small amount of carbon dioxide. 
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    Bloom Energy
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_8
    As long as there's fuel, air, and heat, the process can continue. 
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  • Published
    9 Images

    How the Bloom Box Works

    Silicon Valley startup Bloom Energy just unveiled its new, heavily hyped technology, which harnesses chemical reactions to create energy. Here's how it works

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  • How the Bloom Box Works
  • Bloom Energy logo
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_2
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_3
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_4
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_5
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_6
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_7
  • How_a_Fuel_Cell_Works_8