
Fox News Contributor and National Review senior editor Jonah Goldberg said Wednesday on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that he agreed with Donald Trump that Mike Pence's Vice Presidential debate may have been "the best performance in history," but that "it's not saying a lot."

"That's also sort of like saying best Oktoberfest in Orlando," he said. "It's saying something, but it's not saying a lot."

Goldberg added that while "vice presidential debates don't do much," he thought that if Pence considered running in 2020 in the event that Trump loses in November, there was a reason why he didn't defend every accusation against his running mate.

"One of the reasons why Pence did not forthrightly take the debate and defend Donald Trump on a lot of those accusations is that there aren't a lot of good defenses for some of that stuff, and that's not a conversation he wants to have," he said.

"He doesn't want video tape existing 4 years from now where he's defending some of this stuff," Goldberg added.