
Rep. Elijah Cummings, top Democrat on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, released the unredacted version of an email Wednesday evening that suggested the Pentagon had military forces ready to be deployed to Benghazi the night of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack.

A spokesman for committee Democrats said the email, which was first made public in a redacted form Tuesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, was "yet another example of how conservative conspiracy theorists use bits of information out of context to rehash baseless allegations that have been debunked time and again."

Portions of the email that were removed from the document given to Judicial Watch, but included in the one provided to the select committee, indicated the military forces in question were located in Croatia and Spain. The original email did not include any information about the location or nature of available military assets, leading some to speculate that the newly-disclosed record undermined testimony from high-ranking officials claiming there were no forces in the vicinity of Benghazi.

The email's description of those forces matches one provided to the House Armed Services Committee and recounted in its February 2014 report about Benghazi.

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