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    8 Images

    Photo Op-inion: Iran's Ahmadinejad In New York

    Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, these images say it with pictures instead of words:  Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in New York City for the opening of the U.N. General Assembly. Here's YOUR take on what he should do while he's here. Click through the images and show us your talent by creating a photo op-ed for the NEXT slideshow:  House Republicans have introduced their "Pledge to America." Give us YOUR take on what's being called "Contract 2.0" Send your image, full name and hometown to: Mention if you'd like daily alerts on the next topic. None of the images were created by Fox News.

  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    Nick Nonno, CA
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    Neil Katz, MO
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    Matt McInnes, KS
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    Rick Varnum
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    M Elliott, Germany
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    John Anthony, IN
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    Jeff H. CA
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
    Allen Howard
  • Published
    8 Images

    Photo Op-inion: Iran's Ahmadinejad In New York

    Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, these images say it with pictures instead of words:  Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in New York City for the opening of the U.N. General Assembly. Here's YOUR take on what he should do while he's here. Click through the images and show us your talent by creating a photo op-ed for the NEXT slideshow:  House Republicans have introduced their "Pledge to America." Give us YOUR take on what's being called "Contract 2.0" Send your image, full name and hometown to: Mention if you'd like daily alerts on the next topic. None of the images were created by Fox News.

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  • Photo Op-inion: Iran's Ahmadinejad In New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York
  • Iran's Ahmadinejad Comes to New York