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    Most Biologically Diverse Place on Earth

    A remote park in northwest Bolivia may be the most biologically diverse place on earth, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which helped put together a comprehensive list of species found there.

  • Bolivian_MAIN
    A parrot snake, one of at least 50 species of snake in the Madidi park.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Photo_1_Black_Spider_Monkey___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS
    A female black-faced black spider monkey in the Madidi forests, one of at least nine species of primates in the park.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Photo_2_Butterfly_2___Mileniusz_Spanowicz
    One of more than 1000 species of butterflies estimated for Madidi park.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Photo_3_Female_Blue_crowned_Manakin___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS
    A female blue-crowned manakin, eventually ornithologists expect around 1100 species birds to be registered within the Madidi park, a whopping 11% of all the worlds bird species.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Photo_4_Juvenile_Wattled_Jacana___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS
    A juvenile wattled jacana, one of more than 920 species birds so far registered for the Madidi park.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Photo_5_Palkachupa_Cotinga__Mileniusz_Spanowicz___WCS
    The recently elevated endemic species, the Palkachupa Cotinga, nesting in the dry tropical montane forests and montane savannas of Apolo.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Photo_6_Madidi_Cloud_Forest_at_Dawn___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS_SERNAP
    Montane savannas, cloud forests and Andean peaks at dusk.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS/SERNAP
  • Photo_7_Amazonian_forest_floor__Mileniusz_Spanowicz___WCS___SERNAP
    A view from the Amazonian forest floor.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS/SERNAP
  • Photo_8_rested_forest_toad__Mileniusz_Spanowicz___WCS
    The crested forest toad, one of an estimated 100+ species of amphibians in the Madidi park.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Jaguar_Madidi
    A male jaguar in the late afternoon on the Madidi River.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS/SERNAP
  • Photo_10_Parrot_snake_Mileniusz_Spanowicz__WCS
    A parrot snake, one of at least 50 species of snake in the Madidi park.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Madidi_Hippo
    A 500+ pound lowland tapir heads to the Madidi River to avoid horse flies, with giant cowbirds taking pruning opportunities.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Photo_12_Young_Harpy_Eagle___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS
    A juvenile harpy eagle, the most powerful bird of prey in the world.
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    Photo: Mileniusz Spanowicz/WCS
  • Published
    13 Images

    Most Biologically Diverse Place on Earth

    A remote park in northwest Bolivia may be the most biologically diverse place on earth, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which helped put together a comprehensive list of species found there.

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  • Most Biologically Diverse Place on Earth
  • Bolivian_MAIN
  • Photo_1_Black_Spider_Monkey___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS
  • Photo_2_Butterfly_2___Mileniusz_Spanowicz
  • Photo_3_Female_Blue_crowned_Manakin___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS
  • Photo_4_Juvenile_Wattled_Jacana___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS
  • Photo_5_Palkachupa_Cotinga__Mileniusz_Spanowicz___WCS
  • Photo_6_Madidi_Cloud_Forest_at_Dawn___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS_SERNAP
  • Photo_7_Amazonian_forest_floor__Mileniusz_Spanowicz___WCS___SERNAP
  • Photo_8_rested_forest_toad__Mileniusz_Spanowicz___WCS
  • Jaguar_Madidi
  • Photo_10_Parrot_snake_Mileniusz_Spanowicz__WCS
  • Madidi_Hippo
  • Photo_12_Young_Harpy_Eagle___Mileniusz_Spanowicz_WCS