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    Police Violence Against Amazon March

    The march by the indigenous people the Tipnis turned violent when Bolivian police gassed protestors, creating confusion and causing many children to become separated from their parents. 

  • bolivia7
    Marchers continue their trek to the capital city, on the outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Saturday Sept. 24, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began their march on Aug. 15 to protest a government planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve Territorio Indigena Parque Nacional Isiboro Secure (TIPNIS), home to 15,000 natives. Marchers briefly detained Bolivia's Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca, who arrived Saturday in the in the countrys eastern lowlands to mediate. Choquehuanca says protesters obliged him to march with them out of fear they would be attacked by police or pro-government activists. (AP Photo/Jaime Zapata)
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  • bolivia2
    Police officers speak to demonstrators carrying children during clashes after a march on the outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Sunday Sept. 25, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began the Aug. 15th march to La Paz in protest of the governments planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve, Territorio Indígena Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure or TIPNIS, home to 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • bolivia3
    Amidst tear gas, police officers chase protesters during clashes after a march on the outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Sunday Sept. 25, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began the Aug. 15th march to La Paz in protest of the governments planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve, Territorio Indígena Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure or TIPNIS, home to 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • bolivia1
    Police officers detain demonstrators during clashes after a march on the outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Sunday Sept. 25, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began the Aug. 15th march to La Paz in protest of the governments planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve, Territorio Indígena Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure or TIPNIS, home to 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • bolivia4
    Police officers detain a man during clashes after a march on the outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Sunday Sept. 25, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began the Aug. 15th march to La Paz in protest of the governments planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve, Territorio Indígena Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure or TIPNIS, home to 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • bolivia5
    A vehicle transporting Amazon indigenous, before they continue participating in a protest walk, is checked by police officers in Limoncito, outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Monday Sept. 19, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began a march from Trinidad to La Paz on Aug. 15 protesting against a governments planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve Territorio Indigena Parque Nacional Isiboro Secure or TIPNIS, home of 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • bolivia8
    Police officers stand guard on a road as they wait for a protest march on the outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Sunday Sept. 25, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began the march on Aug. 15 to protest a government planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve Territorio Indigena Parque Nacional Isiboro Secure (TIPNIS), home to 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • bolivia6
    Holding a bow and arrows, an Amazon indigenous sits before continuing participating in a protest walk in Limoncito, outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Monday Sept. 19, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began a march from Trinidad to La Paz on Aug. 15 protesting against a governments planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve Territorio Indigena Parque Nacional Isiboro Secure or TIPNIS, home of 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • bolivia345
    Police officers detain a man during clashes after a march on the outskirts of Yucumo, Bolivia, Sunday Sept. 25, 2011. Indigenous and environmentalist groups began the Aug. 15th march to La Paz in protest of the governments planned highway that would cut through the nature preserve, Territorio Indígena Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure or TIPNIS, home to 15,000 natives. (AP Photo/Juan Karita)
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  • Published
    9 Images

    Police Violence Against Amazon March

    The march by the indigenous people the Tipnis turned violent when Bolivian police gassed protestors, creating confusion and causing many children to become separated from their parents. 

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  • Police Violence Against Amazon March
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