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    Marta's Favorite Exercises

    If you want to get ripped and strong in no time, do this circuit.

  • Pull_ups_fav
    Pull-ups: Controlling your body, pull your chest to the bar.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • push_up
    Push-ups: Keep your body straight with your hands just wider than shoulder width.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • kettleball_swings
    Kettlebell swings: Use  your hips (not your arms) to thrust the kettlebell up.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • back_roll_over_physioball
    Back roll over on the physioball to push-ups: Extend the back while keeping the back straight, hips aligned and core tight. Roll into a push-up position. Do a push up and extend all the way back. This is really hard.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • burpee
    Burpee: This is the classic squat thrust with a jump added at the end of the movement.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • medicine_ball_throw
    Medicine ball throw: Throw the medicine ball down hard and catch it right away to keep the tension high throughout this exercise.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • deadlift_bench
    Deadlift touching the bench: Grip the bar with a straight back (look straight ahead or slightly up), knees bent with your rear end touching the bench and pull the bar up straight up to a standing position.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • squat_touching_bench
    Squats touching the bench: Sit back to squat until your rear touches the bench. Push the weight up through your heels.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Published
    8 Images

    Marta's Favorite Exercises

    If you want to get ripped and strong in no time, do this circuit.

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  • Marta's Favorite Exercises
  • Pull_ups_fav
  • push_up
  • kettleball_swings
  • back_roll_over_physioball
  • burpee
  • medicine_ball_throw
  • deadlift_bench
  • squat_touching_bench