
Most food that comes from the ground is pretty super. I have always been a big fan of buying produce that is in season. With the holidays quickly approaching, one must stop and think what are the best ways keep it healthy. These are my favorites for the fall.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are one of the best vegetables for fall. They are a nice source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Bake them and mix some applesauce for extra sweetness. They make great addition to your Thanksgiving feast!

Leafy Greens: These are the biggest super foods you will find. Greens like kale, collards, spinach and mustard greens are by far my favorite. These are all well stocked with vitamins A, C and K. They also have folate, potassium, magnesium and tons of iron. You can enjoy these with a bit of red wine vinegar or a little lemon juice with pepper. Adding leafy greens to the menu is a great way to stay healthy.

Butternut Squash: Consuming this vegetable is an easy way to get lots of vitamins A, C and fiber. You can usually buy it peeled or diced. To prepare, steam it and add to a salad or soup.

Broccoli: They has lots of vitamins C, K, carotenoids and folate. Steam them and sprinkle some red pepper flakes. Add a splash of lemon juice and you're good to go!

Garbanzo Beans: Any type of bean is good for you, depending on how it’s prepared. They are rich in protein, fiber, iron and magnesium. Garbanzos are special because they are so versatile. You can add them to a green salad, vegetable stews, curries or soups.