
Well, as expected, Tamoxifen was not strong enough.  My liver mets continue to grow, so I am now on a regimen of Afinitor and Exemestane.

Recent studies with Afinitor have shown impressive results when given in combination with Exemestane.   Afinitor is a drug that I tried last October, but had to stop after developing horrible mouth sores.

Since I do have my offshore medical degree (just kidding), I have come up with a genius idea to prevent the mouth sores. I am taking Valtrex which is a drug used for the herpes virus. With this in my system, I am hoping that the mouth sores will be prevented.  We will see.

All I can say is that the month of August was like a dream. To feel like a normal person and not a sick person was such a gift. Italy was so beautiful, and to see my son and his team play basketball in another country was an unforgettable experience.

I am gearing up for October and breast cancer awareness month. There are a lot of exciting things coming up which I look forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks!

I can already feel side effects of this new regimen. I am exhausted, even after a full night's sleep, and can barely keep my eyes open to write this.

God bless the families of those who lost their lives in the attacks on 9/11.  Tuesday was a very sad day.