
The summer blockbuster "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," in which apes and men go to war to see who will win as the dominating species, is already getting mega-great reviews.

Three of the film's stars recently chatted with In The FOXlight's Michael Tammero, taking note of the enormity of landing a role in a "Planet of the Apes" film.

"It's not every day you get a call where people say they want you to be in 'Planet of the Apes,'" said Gary Oldman., who plays Dreyfus, the human resistance leader. "It's cinema history."

"I'm six degrees from Charlton Heston," joked Jason Clarke, who plays Malcolm, a human peacemaker.

The movie relies heavily on computer-generated images, but Keri Russell says the challenge wasn't as tough as you might think.

"You'd think it would be harder than it really is," said Russell, whose character Ellie is a former CDC nurse. "You're just responding to Andy [Serkis, who performed motion-capture work the apes] and his eyes and his voice and what's he's giving you."

Watch the video above to see more of what they had to say, and check out the trailer below for a sneak peek at the film.